How to kill a pig

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Elsa: *Reading 'How to kill a pig'* First you capture a pig. Hmmmm. How do you capture a pig? Oh! To find out how to capture a pig turn to page 12! *Flips 12 pages to page 12* Well, first you need to set a trap. The trap should have pig slop, and a box. The idea is that the pig, comes up to the box of slop and eats some while you capture it! Hmm... I have the perfect idea.
Five hours later

Elsa: Well, got the pig slop in a box. Now, I'll set it up and wait... until a pig comes... which hasn't happened yet... Still

Five hours later

Pig: *Snorts*

Elsa: *Wakes up* Gahhhhhhh! *Freezes pig* Now I've just gotta find that book!
Five days later

Elsa: Snap! Where did I misplace that book!?

Me: Looking for this? *Holds up book*

Elsa: Yes, actually.

Me: *Burns it up* HA! *Burns pig to ham and bacon* And that's how ya kill a pig! *Leaves*

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