No popcorn in DisneyWorld?!?

7 3 0

Today is 12/6?/14

Me: I am bored!
Mickey: So, do something!
Me: Where run here?!?
Mickey: They ran out of popcorn in DisneyWorld!
Me: ?
Mickey: Yeah. And my FastPass for Splash Mountain is at 2:00!
Me: You do realize that it is 1:46 AND we r in MISSOURI!
Mickey: I can travel between anywhere and DisneyWorld.
Me: So, popcorn?
Mickey: I LOVE popcorn. It is too bad that they ran out in DisneyWorld.
Me: Go to DisneyLAND!
Mickey: Okay. Bye! *Disapears in a puff of smoke.*
Me: ?
Mickey:* Reappears* Free FastPass to Fantasmic! *Hands me a FastPass* See u! *Disappears*

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