1), 2), 3) or 4)?

5 3 1

The long yellow car waited for me. Waiting there like a silent guard taking me to my doom.

Okay. I just randomly made the sentence above.
I entered the new stone castle.

So, Which is more descriptive? (Below I mean)
1) The deep fog lifted so I could see the large landscape awash in bright colors of green dotted with the colors of tiny flowers.
2) The fog lifted and I saw wonderful beauty lying before me that would never be seen with anyone who is plain and boring.

So? Which is better? Or is it the one below?
3) The fog lifted.

Or below this?
4) The fog lifted and I saw the green fields.
So If Your Reading This Then Comment On which One You Like The Most And I May Use It In A RANDOM Story. Choose 1).     2).        3).     or,      4).

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