Chapter 19: The truth

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2days pass I'm sitting on the couch with Derek. The pack and Scott's siblings are here. When Peter walks in with Chris "nephew a word." Peter says I watch Derek stand up walking out of the room. Scott looks at me and tears fill my eyes. I listen to their conversation.

"They are on the way here."

"I-I can't leave him again. Not now that he is expecting that isn't fair to him plus we won't know when I can come back and he doesn't deserve to do this on his own... after all he went through. How bad I hurt him last time."

"Derek you need to... someone opened their mouth they know that he is a fox and they are coming here for him."

"Then I'll be ready."

"Do you wanna risk your kids life if they get a shot at him."

"They won't get a shot in!"

I look at Scott and he walks over and sits down next to me pulling me into a hug as I listen to their conversation.

"You don't know that."

"I'm not going anywhere. If you're so worried about how far away they are and you want someone to go with you. Ask somebody else." Derek mutters walking back out here Scott looks at Derek and Derek knows I listened now.


I just cry and he walks over crouching in front of me. Scott moves and Derek takes his place.

"Why are you crying?" He whispers

"They are after me."

"So you think I'm gonna let that happen?"

"If they are after me they are after the pups.. after everyone."

Fae jumps in "sorry pups you guys have dogs?"

Scott looks at her "it's way more complicated than that sis."

"Listen to me... I won't let that happen I won't let them hurt anyone not after Boyd." He grips my hand

"you don't get to be a solider Derek you don't get to put your life on the line for everyone else. I don't want to risk losing you."

"You won't."

"Is that something you can promise?"

"It's something that I can try to promise."

I sigh and rest my forehead against his "then please don't do this alone you have the pack. You have me."

"You're not being apart of this. Like Chris said if they even get a possibility of a chance to harm you."

"You think I would be safer somewhere else without you? When has that ever worked."

He sighs "fine but you aren't putting up part of the fight."

"I can handle myself."

"Stiles I said no."

"And these pups are just as much mine as they are yours Derek! They are after me! This is my fight and I get to decide!"

He growls and sighs giving in "fine." He mutters standing up

"Scott call a pack meeting." He says walking out of the room

I watch Derek he is angry with me. Scott walks out with his phone ready to call the group when he goes to Derek and I listen

"He is mainly upset because he thought they would talk you into leaving... he thought he would be pregnant and on his own again. So if I was you. I wouldn't be mad at him for not wanting to be away from you when this trauma is because you left the first time. If I was you I would get in there and hold him Derek."

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