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I felt the growing and snapping of my bones as my body contorted in ways that aren’t humanly possible. But then, I wasn’t fully human. I stood gasping among the remaining fragments of my torn clothing as the final spasms of pain wracked my body, my dark brown fur shot through with red and gold shimmering in the light from the flames.

Finally, my first shift was over and I felt freer than I ever had in my life. I lifted up my nose and sniffed the air, an array of scents floating past. Somehow, I knew exactly who and what each one belonged to, and I singled out my father’s scent as I looked around the circle of people.

I could see so many little details that I had never noticed before; the little particles of dust and pollen in the air; the fibers of Mr. Graham’s knitted sweater; and the subtle changes of red and orange in the flickering flames all around me. It’s amazing, right?  my wolf said.
What’s your name? I asked him.
I am Dominic, he replied.
Nice to finally meet you.

I padded slowly toward my father, testing out my new form and getting used to the feel of it. I bowed my head in submission to my Alpha as he spoke the words that would seal my wolf as a Pack member. “Brothers and sisters gathered here tonight; behold this new wolf before you and join me in welcoming my son, Cole Foster, and his wolf into the Blue Moon Pack. As we join together tonight, we pledge to protect and honor this wolf as one of our own, and will always assist him in a time of need. Brother Wolf, son, rise and join your Pack,” he said in his Alpha voice, and I rose to my feet as the wolves gathered around me lifted their heads to howl at the moon.

I looked my father straight in the eye and reached out with my mind. ‘Dad?’ I thought. He grinned at me, full of love and pride, and I smirked back. ‘Yes son?’ I heard his voice in my head.
‘How do I shift back?’ I asked.
‘Just concentrate on your human form and let your wolf do the rest’ he replied. ‘But go behind that tree over there; there’s a fresh change of clothes.’ 

I did as he said and came back out dressed in faded jeans and a sweatshirt. “Now go and enjoy your party, son,” Dad said, laughing as he clapped me on the back. I still had my enhanced senses from when I was a wolf and was beginning to seriously enjoy this. “You bet I will!” I told him as I began jogging back to the house.

I still had fifteen minutes to freshen up and get over to Sophia’s; it was easier on all fronts just to have a small get-together and sleep-over rather than going out to a club or something.

For some reason, I felt like I needed to impress her tonight. That’s weird; she’s been my best friend since forever. What’s special about tonight? I thought.We’ll see when we get there, Dominic replied, startling me. Now hurry up and get ready.

Yes sir! I did a mental salute and got on with it.


Walking to Sophia’s house, I felt a growing sense of anticipation, and began to pick up my pace. I had no idea why, but I was suddenly very eager to get to the party she and my sister had organized for my 18thbirthday. Of course, Soph knew nothing about our kind, but eighteen is somewhat of a milestone for humans as well.

As I approached the door I suddenly felt Dominic stir and prick up his ears. What is it? I asked.
I’m not sure, but I want to get closer and find out. Hurry up and open the door already!

I suddenly realized I had been standing outside for almost five minutes now. I gingerly rang the doorbell and waited for Aunt Mandy to answer. “Hello Cole!” she said, kissing my check. “Happy birthday! The girls are upstairs.”

I started ascending when she shut the door, causing the air to stir around me. I inhaled deeply and suddenly caught the most mouth-watering scent I could ever have imagined. It was like vanilla and cinnamon apples, and it got stronger as I kept going up.By the time I reached Sophia’s door I was surrounded by the delicious scent and paused outside just sniffing the air.

When I knocked on the door I heard a thump and a giggle, and then my sister called out, “Well hurry up and get your lazy ass in here, we haven’t got all night!” I chuckled and opened the door to a tangle of silly string and streamers being thrown in my face. “Happy birthday bro!” Callie laughed, moving away quickly before I could tickle her. “Happy birthday sis,” I replied, turning and looking around the room. The scent was really strong in here and I wondered if they had been burning candles or something.

Sophia was standing by the bed which was laden with food, her back facing me as she grabbed a bowl of M&Ms. She turned around and started approaching me when our eyes locked and I had to stop myself from gasping as something pulled at my very soul and I felt like I was flying. MATE! Dominic howled in delight, jumping around in my head. Calm down, it’s just – wait, mate?

Yes. That beautiful angel is our mate. Ours.

“Mine,” I growled softly. Callie looked quizzically at me before understanding dawned on her face and she suddenly broke into a wide grin. “Happy birthday, Cole” Sophia said softly. I hadn’t realized she had reached my side and was now offering me the bowl of M&Ms; my favourite. I wanted to claim her right there and then, but unfortunately my sister was in the room and also Sophia had no idea about the supernatural world. I couldn’t risk freaking her out and turning her away from me. So I simply smiled happily and took the bowl she offered me, feeling faint sparks when our fingers brushed. “Thanks Soph,” I said. I would have to work out a way I could tell her without freaking her out too much.


Thankfully, I managed to refrain from kissing or jumping on Sophia throughout the evening and simply thoroughly enjoyed spending time with my beautiful little mate. Boy, did I love saying that. I couldn’t believe I had never realized before how stunning she really was, with her deep red hair and emerald green eyes, and those cute little freckles above her adorable dimples. I felt so happy and lucky that she was mine. Now I just had to figure out how to tell her.

When I got home the next day, I went straight to my dad’s office to ask for his advice. “Dad?” I said, knocking on the thick mahogany door.“Yes, Cole? Did you enjoy yourself last night?” he replied, putting down the papers he was reading as I entered the cozy little room. “I did. And… I found my mate,” I said happily.

“Really? Who?” Dad asked, surprised. I guess he would be; I hadn’t exactly gone very far.“Sophia. But I don’t know how to tell her. I was hoping you could help me?” I pleaded.

“Wow, who’d have thought it?! Well, congrats son. I couldn’t have hoped for a better mate for my boy. As for telling her, there’s something you should know about Sophia McAllister. She’s actually a wolf too, except she doesn’t know because her mom didn’t want her to be a part of this life after what happened to her dad. Obviously, Mandy knew she couldn’t hide the secret forever, but she wanted her daughter to have a shot at a normal life without any threats from packs or hunters. Sophia will phase on her seventeenth birthday just like every other she-wolf and then she will be able to find you as her mate. For now, just get closer to her like a normal human would and as her birthday draws near her mom will start explaining things. Just make sure you’re close when she shifts and you’ll both be fine.”

“Thanks Dad,” I said, trying to process the new information.

“Any time son. Let me know how it goes,” he replied, turning back to his work as I left to plan how I would get closer to my mate.


Hey guys!

So that was the prologue of my story. I hope you liked it!







Charis :D

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