Chapter 7 (Part 1)

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I woke up yawning, my head pounding from the weird dream I just had. Stretching out lazily in my bed, I shot a glance at my alarm clock. I blinked and took a double take as I saw that it was half seven... in the evening! Feeling incredibly disorientated, I reached out for my phone and realized that it wasn't in its usual place on my night stand. I frowned and turned over, searching the floor for my bag where I must have left it, and came face-to-face with the twins. "Uh, hey guys. What day is it?" I asked.

"Sunday fifteenth of September," Callie replied.

I slept the whole of Saturday? And Sunday?

"Are you okay?" Cole asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be? And why are you in my room?" I asked confused.

"Well, you kind of fainted," Callie said casually.

I guess that would explain it... "What?! Why?" I asked.

"Don't you remember? I'd have thought it would be kind of hard to forget your Mom turning into a giant wolf."

"Wait, that wasn't a dream?!" I exclaimed, sitting straight up in bed.

"Um, nope, it wasn't a dream," Cole replied cautiously.

"Dammit. So, werewolves exist? And Mom is one of them? And... so am I?!" I asked them. They just stared at me and slowly nodded their heads. I narrowed my eyes at them as I realized something. "Wait, why aren't you two freaking out as well?"

"Well, uh, we're - kind of werewolves too," Callie said nervously. I swallowed hard, trying to process the new information. How could I have missed this; the three most important people in my life weren't even fully human, and I never realized?! "Okay. I - you're not dangerous, are you?" I asked, suddenly unable to get all the horror stories out of my head.

"Didn't you listen to us when we said 'don't believe all the stories you hear'?" Cole said.

"Yeah, but I never expected any part of them to be true; you know, like the fact that Supernatural creatures actually exist...!" I said, starting to freak out again but trying to rein it in. I took a deep breath and let it go slowly. "Alright. So, I guess I have a lot to learn, then?" I asked them.

"Yeah, that's why we're here. We'll explain the very basics and then we have to take you to Dad's office so he can go into more depth," Cole explained, relief showing on his face.

I guess he was worried we'd reject him, I thought. Wait, what? We? Reject? What does that even mean? And since when was I two people? I shook it off and rolled out of bed, straightening the covers.

"Okay then. Everyone on the bed. It looks like we need to have a major meeting," I announced, suddenly ready to listen to whatever this wacky new world had in store for me.


"Okay, so basically, your parents are full werewolves, which makes you a full were too," Cole began. "Werewolves have two parts; the human and the wolf. The wolf is larger than an ordinary wolf, as well as being stronger, faster and with sharper senses. Once the human shifts for the first time, they retain these qualities whether in human or wolf form. Pups, or young werewolves, don't shift until late teens; seventeen for females; eighteen for males."

"Okay. Why are they different?" I asked.

"Because femme wolves are better!" Callie replied before Cole could speak. He rolled his eyes at her and continued. "We don't know why, although Dad thinks it's something to do with female wolves maturing faster than males. Anyway, you will shift in the late evening of your seventeenth birthday when the moon shines down on you. After that, you can shift at will. Only hybrids are confined to shifting only on certain moons, but full weres are stronger at these times."

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