Chapter 16

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Cole and Sophia's Mark ^^^


This chapter has a couple of paragraphs of (very slight) naughtiness *winkwink*. It doesn't go into much detail but if anyone is uncomfortable with that kind of stuff then don't read between the stars. Any complaints will be ignored/reported. Thank you and enjoy.......


Cole and I hadn't talked for days. In my heart of hearts I knew he would never do that to me. I also knew that he held no affection whatsoever towards Bianca. I knew she probably instigated it to try and break us up. Once Callie talked me down from my hysteria and back into coherent thoughts, I knew how silly I had been, and I wanted to rush straight out the door to Cole and tell him that it was okay; that I forgave him. But Hailey felt so betrayed and heartbroken, that I couldn't talk her into it. She remained stubborn for the whole remainder of the week and right into the weekend of the mid-term break.

Even though we weren't talking, though, Cole never failed to watch out for me, and I didn't have a single unpleasant encounter during the course of the week. He also tried everything within his power to regain my trust and confidence in him. He left treats and flowers in my locker; he escorted me from class to class, albeit from a distance; he followed behind Callie's car to and from school, ensuring our safety on the road. Again, I wanted to tell him that it wasn't necessary; that I had full trust in him and that I fully forgave him, but again Hailey was stubborn and wouldn't let me.

I struggled through 'till Saturday morning, fighting against Hailey the whole time. Callie called as I was having a late breakfast and informed me that Cole was taking the 'separation' really badly and was really torn up. I knew this; I could feel it through the mate bond, and it was affecting me too. I tried to reason with Hailey again.

Please, Hail. You know he didn't do anything wrong. You and I both saw that he tried to get away and that he was disgusted with what happened. You can feel how sorry he is and you've seen what he's done to prove his devotion to us. You also know that Bianca was only doing it so that exactly this would happen. You're not really going to let her win are you? You're not just going to stand by and let her get our mate, right? I said helplessly, rubbing my stomach. I'd been getting cramps all morning.

Of course not. That bitch is not getting anywhere near our mate. Mine. I'm sorry Sophia; you're right. I know he didn't mean it. I want our mate back as much as you do. We have to make this right again, she replied.

Alleluia! She has spoken! I said sarcastically, but I was over the moon. Finally, I could tell Cole that he was forgiven and we could go back to how we were. I couldn't wait to tell him!



It was starting to get unbearable. Belle and I hadn't spoken for almost a week, and I was starting to get withdrawal symptoms. She was like my sweet, beautiful drug; I needed her to survive. I had to win her back. I know Callie talked to her and that she doesn't hate me. That's a relief at least. However, the most I could do was to ensure her safety and comfort until she found it within herself to forgive me and have me back.

Somehow, I made it to the first weekend of midterm without having a nervous breakdown. I was sitting in the living room trying to figure out what I was going to do with myself when the very cause of this mess sauntered in like nothing had happened.

"You're brave, showing your face around here after what you did," I said, looking up at her with contempt.

"Oh but Coley, you can't really still be moping about that stupid human. She's nothing; a nobody. You'd be so much better off with me," she had the foolishness to say. I saw red and clenched the arms of the chair to stop myself from ripping her head off then

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