Chapter 15

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Hey I know it's been a while but am on holiday!! Anywho.... Enjoy!!


As I approached the clearing, I began to feel a little apprehensive. What if Cole wasn't my mate? What would happen then? Sophia please stop worrying. You're giving me a headache! Hailey complained.

Sorry Hail, I can't help it. I really like Cole – I actually think I might be falling for him. I don't think I could bear it if he wasn't my mate, I told her.

Well hurry up and get to him and we'll see...

I pushed through the last few branches that were hanging in my path and stepped out into the clearing. Just like our first date, the branches of the trees were strewn with fairy lights which illuminated the surroundings beautifully, only even more so now because I could see every branch and every leaf twinkling in the soft, warm light. In the center of it all was Cole sitting cross-legged on the picnic blanket, holding a single red rose. He didn't seem to realize that I had arrived, and just stayed seated staring at the flower in his hands. I was just about to walk towards him when I caught a scent in the air. It was the most delicious thing I had ever smelled in all my life; like a mixture of orange and sandalwood and pine. It smelled like Cole, but intensified twenty times over. I breathed in deeply, letting his scent wash over me.

I took a few steps forward and he looked up, capturing my gaze with his. Suddenly, I felt like my heart was going to jump straight out of my chest. It was certainly tugging insanely hard on the heart strings. I sucked in another deep breath, filling my nostrils with his scent. Mate, Hailey whispered. I was losing myself in the melting chocolate warmth of his eyes when I muttered one word, almost to myself. "Mine," I said. It was a deep-rooted instinct that took over me then; perhaps it took over both of us, for I found myself swept off of my feet and into Cole's arms as I met his lips and we kissed passionately.

When we broke apart what felt like an eternity later – but was probably only minutes – I realized that now wherever we touched it felt like there was an electric current was flowing beneath my skin. It was not an unpleasant feeling. I looked up at Cole again and the smile stretched across my whole face. "Mine. You're my mate, Cole. This is the best birthday present ever!" I said happily.

"Happy birthday Belle. I've wanted to tell you for so long but I didn't want you to feel pressured into anything with me. I wanted you to feel comfortable in a relationship with me without feeling and obligations to be with me. I know the mate bond can do that sometimes. I wanted you to have a free choice in the matter," he said, trailing kisses down my throat that left a line of fire where his lips touched.

"I love you Cole," I said on impulse.

"Say that again?" he asked.

"I love you. And I never once felt pressured. I fell in love with you before I knew we were mates," I clarified. Suddenly I was flying through the air as he swept me off my feet and around in a circle before pulling me tight into his chest. "I love you too, with all my heart and soul. I would do anything for you, my beautiful little mate," he said protectively. I was touched, right down to my core. It only made me love him even more.

We need to Mark him, Hailey informed me. I could feel that this was something she really needed to do, so I let her take over. "Cole, you are mine and I am yours. I accept you as my mate and give you permission to Mark me as your own," she said. I could see in his eyes that he realized it was my wolf talking and I saw them darken as his wolf also slowly took over. He brought his head down and I tilted up mine to meet his lips, stretching on tiptoe to get there even faster. He captured my lips as he had my heart, and I felt the tingles right down to my toes.

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