Chapter 2

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^^^^ For those of you who like visuals, this is Cole ^^^^

Here is Chapter 2!! Hope you like it!!



"Hurry up Soph! We haven't got all day, y'know!!" Callie yelled from the back seat of Cole's car. I finished putting on my mascara and grabbed my backpack before running downstairs. "Bye Mom! See ya later," I called, running down the hall and out to the twins. I was suddenly overly-eager to see Cole. Wow girl, major crush or what?!

I rolled my eyes at myself and bounded up to the car, which Cole was leaning against. "Hey Cole," I said, suddenly shy. Why are you shy? This is your best friend here... Why am I talking to myself?

"Hey Soph," he replied, holding open the front passenger door for me. I smiled a thanks and got in, dumping my bag at my feet as he closed my door and got in the driver's seat. "Heya Callie. Still not trusting you up front, huh?" I teased, turning to grin at her behind me.

Cole was very protective of his car and Callie had once spilled her coffee all over the front seat. He hadn't let her ride shotgun ever since.

She simply huffed and shot a look at her brother. "No, but then I think it's reserved for someone else now anyway," she replied, looking pointedly at me.

"Uh, okay then. I'm gonna sit forward now," I told her, not really sure what to say to that. I was sure my cheeks had gone pink again, and I suddenly remembered what Cole had said at the mall, making me blush even more. Thankfully, we were just pulling into the school parking lot. "Well, here we are," Cole said. "You guys ready for Senior Year?!"

"Hell yeah!" we both replied as we got out of the car and grabbed our bags. We walked into school together and went to get our schedules. I had all of my classes except gym and math with Cole, and I had biology, art and gym with Callie. Then we went to find our lockers, and would you believe our luck, we were all beside each other, with me in the middle of the twins. "Well guys, this year looks to be a good one," I said, dumping my bag in my locker and taking out my English things as the bell for first period went. "See you after English, Callie!" I told her as Cole and I walked away together.

I took a seat at the back of the class, and Cole sat next to me. I could barely concentrate on the start of the lesson because I was suddenly acutely aware of him sitting there. However, as the class got started, I began to get into what we were doing and almost forgot all about him.

We were studying the works of Shakespeare and were looking at "Romeo and Juliette".

Personally, I thought it was a silly play because who would die for someone else? How could anyone love someone that much that they would stab themselves because of their loss? I would have understood more if they died trying to protect their other half, but if they died just because they discovered the other person dead, I thought that was pretty silly. Also, all the romantic mumbo jumbo was beginning to give me a headache; it was just far too mushy for me!

Thankfully, the class finally ended and I could leave Ms. Baxter to her mushiness. Cole walked me to math and we parted ways for the next hour. Math, as always, seemed to drag on far too long and by the end of the lesson I was counting the minutes to the bell. 5....4.....3.....2.....1.... Yes!

Finally, we could leave. I burst out of the classroom only to run into Cole's hard chest. When did he start working out so much? He never used to be this muscly.... I shook my head to clear out my errant thoughts as we walked to History together.

Today we were learning about the traditional myths and legends surrounding our town of Blue Moon. According to legend, the town was founded by the leader, or Alpha, of a werewolf pack called the Blue Moon pack. They were the strongest pack on this side of the country and were feared and respected throughout. One day, the Alpha and his 'mate' had a daughter whose wolf was a deep red all over. This was very unusual as most wolves were combinations of black, white and shades of brown. It was said that the Alpha's daughter had many powers which brought peace among the packs and all throughout the country. She drove away the vampire clans and put up a barrier around the area which would keep them away even after she was long dead and gone. Before she died, she prophesized that one day there would be a need for another like her; a strong femme wolf who would possess magical properties and the power to unite the supernatural world against an unforeseen force. She said that they would know her by her fur, and that there would be no other wolf with that coloring until the time came.

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