Chapter 10

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I couldn't believe that slut was doing this to my mate. I knew it seemed like I was blowing this way out of proportion, but it didn't matter how little my mate was hurt, the fact that she was hurt at all is unacceptable. I went to find Bianca as soon as I got home from dropping Belle at her house and found her in the kitchen. "I thought I told you to leave my mate alone?!" I growled at her.

"What have I done now?" she questioned.

"You know perfectly well what you've done. Sophia was knocked to the ground at least three times today, and whether it was you personally or one of your slaves I don't care; the point is that it's going to stop, or I'll know the reason why!"

"I don't know what you're talking about, but I'll see if I can stop whoever it is," she replied, beginning to edge out of the room.

"You'd better, if you know what's good for you!" I growled after her. She scampered off and I collapsed onto the sofa. Why couldn't she just leave my Belle alone? Hadn't I made it perfectly clear that I wasn't interested? How far would things go if I didn't stop them




Friday began just as bad as Thursday. "Hey!" I yelled as I felt someone roughly shove past me, making me stumble against the row of lockers to my right. I would have fallen for the second time that day if Callie hadn't caught my elbow at the last minute. "Whoa there girl; no more making friends with the floor. This has got to stop. I'm gonna tell Cole," she said, picking up the book I'd dropped. I nodded weakly and leaned against the wall.

I knew Callie would just mind-link Cole. She stood looking at me with a thoughtful expression. At first I thought she was still speaking to Cole, but then she grabbed my arm and pulled me to my locker. "Hey, Cal? What are you doing? We've still got Biology before we go home," I said in confused protest.

"We're going home early," she said, turning to go to her locker.

"Why?" I asked as I shoved my books in my bag and closed my locker door.

"Dad's taking me to get my new car this weekend. We're leaving after school because it's quite a drive away, but Cole thought you should go too. Maybe it'll help take your mind off of things for a bit; we're gonna stay for the weekend. I'm already packed, but you aren't, so we're going to go do that now," she explained, also closing her locker and turning to me excitedly. "Whaddya say?"

"Girl, you don't have to ask twice!" I said, grinning back at her. We checked out of school and headed over to Cole's car. "Wait, Cole's letting you drive his baby to my house?" I asked when I didn't see him.

"No way! She's far too precious to let Callie behind the wheel!" I heard behind me, and turned to see Cole striding towards us, car keys in hand. "Hey, Belle," he said, bending down to kiss me lightly on the cheek. "Hey," I replied, giggling.

"Oh, hey guys. Don't mind me; I'll just stand here and blend into the scenery. Let me know when you're done being mushy," Callie sounded from her stance beside the car. I giggled again and tore my eyes away from Cole. It was getting too easy to just stare at him and forget the world around me. "Sorry Cal. I guess we should get going. Is Cole coming too?" I asked as we all piled into the car.

"Nah, I'm just taxi service for now," Cole replied.

"Yeah, he's got his baby; he doesn't get to choose mine. Besides, he's got some things to do for Dad while we're away," Callie said from the back.

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