Chapter 5

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Sorry I know it's been a while - just did a biology exam and hopefully it went alright. Anywho, feeling good now so thought I'd update. Enjoy...!!

- Monday -


I shut my locker with a bang, sighing as I started to head to the cafeteria to meet Callie for lunch. Mr. Pearce had held me back after History to ask me how I was finding the short course we were doing on the supernatural history of the town. Apparently I should be paying more attention to what we were learning because it might come in useful one

day. I couldn't think why.

The quick staccato beat of heels tapping behind me snapped me out of my thoughts and I grimaced to myself in anticipation. "Hey Slut," a high-pitched, nasally voice called out from behind me. I spun on my heel to face them, knowing exactly who I would be looking up at.

Bianca Adams and Brittany Wallace, the school's reigning Queen Bitches and ultimate sluts, which was kind of ironic since they had called me names such as 'slut' and 'whore' ever since word got out about what happened last summer. Basically, they have made the last year of my life a living hell.

I was relieved when I heard that they were going to miss the first week of school because they were on their way back from a cruise around the world with Brittany's family. The two have been friends for about as long as the twins and I, and Bianca was Bryce Adams' twin. The two were a pair. A pair of bitches. Unfortunately, they hadn't drowned as I had

hoped, and were now back to taunt me.

"What do you want, Bianca?" I asked, wondering how she wasn't freezing in that scrappy piece of cloth she was wearing. Her bleached hair was straightened to within an inch of its life and was hanging like a curtain around her bare shoulders, contrasting starkly with her face, which had a layer of make-up as thick as mud. Her too-tight top looked three sizes too small and showed off most of her plastic cleavage, riding up to let the world see the gem piercing her fake-tanned navel. Her mini-skirt was miniscule and I swear if she bent down even a bit she would show everyone her thong. Her skinny legs were bare and long, going straight into high-heeled boots that looked impossible to walk in. Brittany, standing a little off to the side, was like her little clone, matching Bianca exactly in everything, except where Bianca's 'outfit' was baby pink, Brittany's was lilac.

"We just wanted to let you know that your little 'friendship' with Cole Foster has to come to an end. You're not worth his time and energy. He needs someone with actual standards. So whatever you think you have with him has to end," Bianca continued.

"Uh, excuse me?! One, since when have you cared about who I'm friends with? And two, why the hell do you care that I'm friends with Cole? You know we've been friends since we were, like, five, right? And another thing. Who do you think you are to be talking about 'standards'?! You have less standards than a prostitute!" I yelled at her, incredulous and suddenly a whole lot braver than I had been in a long time.

"Shut up, bitch. Cole Foster is mine, so you're to stay away from him, ya hear?" she bit back.

"Alright, newsflash, Cole is not a dog; you don't own him. Also, you obviously haven't heard the big news, which means that it will be literally impossible for me to 'stay away' from Cole," I said.

"And what would that be?" she sneered.

"Our parents are getting married, which means we're going to be living together, in the same house. So you can take your shit and shove it back up your ass, okay? Nice talking to you," I replied, spinning round and starting to walk off.

"Hey whore, we're not finished with you," Brittany called, making me turn back around and march over to her. "Oh really?" I asked.

"Yeah. What the hell are you wearing? You look like you just crawled out of a dumpster. I didn't know you were that kinky," she said. I was having a hard time keeping a lid on my temper. I hadn't lost my temper in years; bad things always happened when I lost my temper. Well, not bad for me, but definitely bad for whoever made me that angry.

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