Chapter 6

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After another stressful week at school, it was exactly two weeks and a day to my seventeenth birthday. Thankfully, the Barbies had stayed relatively clear of me and the worst thing that had happened was a detention for forgetting my assignment for English. School had just finished for the weekend and Callie had come back to my place to start planning my party. Cole was busy doing something for his Dad, but had promised to come 'round and see me later.

I flopped onto my bed, flinging my bag to the other side of the room where it landed with a satisfying thump. "Another week gone, Cal. Only three more weeks to mid-term. I can't wait!" I said, lying back onto my cream and baby-blue pillows that matched the rest of my room. "Yeah, me neither. I was thinking we could maybe go up to Lycan Lake; you know Dad's got his lake-house there that I'm sure he'd let us use," Callie replied, sinking down beside me and opening her notepad. "Onto more pressing matters, though; what are we going to do for your birthday?" she asked.

"Please, nothing too wild. Just something nice and quiet with Mom, you, Cole and Uncle Brian," I said.

"Of course. Cole and I are planning the first part as a surprise for now; I'm pretty sure you'll hear of it before the end of the week, but we need to tie up a few things before we let you know. The second half, however, is up to you."

"Why don't we just have a movie night at your house and I can stay over?" I asked. "What we did for Cole's birthday was just fine."

"Okay, but if that's all your having for a party you have to let me take you shopping in the afternoon. I should have my car by then; Dad's taking me to pick it out next weekend," she said.

"Wait, you're getting a car? Why did you not tell me?!" I exclaimed.

"It's a present for my eighteenth birthday and I didn't tell you because I only got my license a few days ago and that's when Dad told me," she explained.

"Wow, congrats! But who am I going to go to school with?" I asked.

"I'm still going to be going with Cole, unless there's somewhere one of us has to be; it saves on fuel. So you'll be coming in his car same as always," she said as I heard my Mom's car park outside the house and the door bang open. "Hey, Mom," I called down.

"Hey Sophia sweetie," she replied, coming up the stairs. "Hi Callie. Would you girls like some cookies? I just got them at the store. They're your favourite!"

"Double white chocolate cookies?!" Callie said, her eyes suddenly shining.

"That would be them!" Mom replied, laughing as she stepped out of the way of the excited whirlwind that was now my best friend barreling down the stairs. I followed after her and we were soon munching on a cookie each. "Callie, would you mind if I talked to Sophia alone for a few minutes? It won't take long," Mom asked suddenly. Callie stared at her for a few seconds and then nodded her head as if in agreement. "Sure, Aunt Mandy," she replied.

"Sophia, could you come through to the lounge with me please? There's something I have to tell you," Mom told me, turning and walking into the next room with me following closely behind. What can she have to talk to me about, I wondered. And why doesn't she want Callie to know?

It must be something important. Just remember to keep an open mind, the voice said.

Okay then, I replied, taking a seat on the sofa and turning to face my Mom as she sat next to me. "So what did you want to tell me?" I asked her curiously.

"Sophia, I know you've always wondered about my past and what happened to your father that made me leave my whole life behind. Now that your seventeenth birthday is coming up, you have to know some things that are going to affect the rest of your life," she began.

"Okay, like what?" I prompted when she paused. She took a deep breath as if steeling herself for something and held my gaze as she began speaking again. "Your Dad and I met when we were still in high school. As cheesy as it sounds, it was pretty much love at first sight. Two years later we were happily married and I was four months pregnant with you. One night I was away visiting my cousin in the next town when our community was attacked. Almost everyone was killed, including your father, and I fled to my brother in the neighboring state. Two months after I had you, I could no longer deal with all of the memories around me so I left and moved further up the country to settle here in Blue Moon." She stopped again and took another deep and slightly shaky breath.

"Wow. I had no idea, Mom. But what does that have to do with my seventeenth birthday and the rest of my life?" I asked her gently.

"Sophia, there's no easy way to say this. Just understand that I kept this from you so that you could have the chance at a normal life with no added complications. It just seemed like the right thing to do, and I don't regret my decision," she said, stopping once more. I was beginning to get a little uneasy. "Okay, Mom. What is it?" I asked warily.

"Do you believe in the Supernatural? At all? Even just a tiny little bit?" she asked suddenly, seeming to go off onto a completely different tangent. Why does everyone suddenly want to know that? I wondered, remembering my conversation with the twins a few weeks ago.

Because it's important, the voice said.

How? I asked it.

You'll see. Just don't freak out, okay?

"Uh, I don't really know. I mean, I guess there's a possibility that Supernatural beings could exist, but it's a very slim possibility which is highly improbable," I answered my Mother's question.

"Alright. Well, Sophia, I hope you can believe this. Your Father and I - we're both werewolves and so, therefore, are you," she replied. I stared at her in shock for a few seconds before erupting into laughter. "Wow, Mom. Have you been on your pills again or something? Are you sure you're alright? I mean, I know I said there was a slim possibility, but don't you think I'd have noticed if you started sprouting fur everywhere whenever there was a full moon, never mind me!" I told her.

However, she didn't look like she was joking. "I haven't shifted in ages, Sophia. Certainly never too near the house. And young wolves don't start shifting until they're in their late teens, which is why you haven't shifted yet and also why your seventeenth birthday is so important," she said.

"Wait, you're not serious, are you? Mom, I am not a werewolf and neither are you," I replied.

"You have a scientific brain. I know you need evidence for everything. Do you want me to give you evidence?" she asked.

"If you want. Fine, off you go," I told her, still disbelieving and slightly worried that she'd finally lost her mind. "Callie, could you come through here please?" Mom called through to the kitchen. Callie appeared in the doorway moments later. "Could you please stand by Sophia and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid?" my Mom asked Cal.

Why did she do that? What does she think I'm going to do that Callie won't? And why do I get the feeling that Callie knows something I don't? I wondered.

Just shut up and watch, the voice replied, and I refocused my attention on my Mom. She led us out to the garden and walked over to the end where nobody could see us. Callie and I were a little way away from Mom and stood just watching her. Suddenly, I heard a snapping sound and watched as my Mom's slim frame twisted and contorted and changed, until she seemed to vanish and in her place was a big white wolf. "Mom?" I said weakly. This couldn't be happening. How was this possible? I took a feeble step forward and fell into Callie's arms; I caught one last glimpse of my Mother's wolf before my eyes closed and I slipped into darkness.


So, Sophia and her Mom are werewolves, and now Sophia knows. What will she think when she wakes up?? Find out with my next update - coming soon!!

Also, if anyone's a little confused or has questions, the next couple of updates should explain a few things about my world of werewolves.

Don't forget to






Charis :D

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