Chapter 4 (Part 2)

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I couldn't help smiling at Cole's new nickname for me. It was sort of strange, but really sweet at the same time. I liked the fact that it was something we could share between just us; no one else. I sighed in contentment as we drove into the car park at the woods. Cole parked and got out to open my door, and I couldn't stop the giggle that arose and suddenly erupted from between my lips. Cole grinned back at me. "What?" he asked, taking my hand as we began to walk through the woods to the clearing. "Well, this is where you asked me on our date, and now it's where we're having our date," I replied.

"It's always held a special meaning for us, and I feel like it's our special little place away from everyone else. It's the one place our parents never knew about where we could go and just be together and forget about the world. This is where we've had almost all of our significant life events, and it's the only place I thought was right for the important event of our first date," he explained, stopping and turning to face me just before we reached the overhanging branches of the two bent trees which concealed our little clearing.

He raised our still-entwined hands and softly kissed my knuckles before lifting the branches in front of us and leading me through. When I managed to tear my gaze away from his eyes, I gasped in surprise. He had transformed the relatively plain clearing into a beautifully romantic spot, with twinkling fairy lights entwined in the overhanging branches, giving the usually shaded area a soft, warm glow. The checked picnic blanket was spread in the middle just like before, this time with beautiful cushions around the edges to make it more comfortable, and the hamper was covered by a red cloth. Cole led me forward and we sat together on the blanket to begin the date.

He opened up the hamper, and instead of the usual sandwiches, brought out platters of small chicken skewers and sausage rolls, as well as two glasses and a bottle of pink lemonade. He had also brought a bowl of noodles and a small plate of cheese sticks.

It was all my favourite things and they were all piping hot, as if they were fresh out of the oven. I had no idea how he had achieved this, but at that moment I didn't care. "Wow, Cole, this is perfect. I had no idea you could be so - romantic," I confessed truthfully. I honestly had never thought him to be one of those really caring people who paid so much attention to the tiny details, despite knowing him for as long as I had. "Only for you, Belle," he replied.

We enjoyed the food and talked about school and our plans for the future. "I plan to take over my Dad's business when he steps down in a few years. It's been in the family for hundreds of years and I guess I feel like I should carry on the tradition," Cole told me. "What about you? What do you want to do when you finish school?"

"I'm not really sure. I think I'd like to go to college and get a business degree and then work my way up some business until I own one myself. But, you know, the biggest thing I really want to do in the future isn't all that aspirational or anything. All I really want is to settle down, get married and have a family of my own. I mean, obviously not like right now, but some day. I know that sounds quite mature or whatever, but it's all I've ever really wanted," I confessed. Somehow I knew he wouldn't laugh at me; I knew he'd understand. "Is that weird?" I asked him.

"Not at all. I've always loved the idea of having pu - eh, kids of my own. I bet you'd be a great Mom!" he said reassuringly; I saw something soften in his gaze that made me think there was something else behind his words.

"Thanks. I bet you'll be a great Dad," I told him. He smirked.

"Anyway, let's not grow up too fast. We have ages ahead of us to have kids. Why don't we just focus on dessert for just now?" he suggested, reaching into the hamper once again. He brought out a plate of mini double chocolate fudge brownies and a bowl of chocolate-covered strawberries. "Something sweet for the sweetest one here, and of course the traditional strawberries, with an extra special touch," he announced with a flourish, setting the treats in front of me and making me giggle.

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