Chapter One

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Caitlin's P.O.V

"Omg, this is soo scary." I squealed, squeezing Luke's hands.

"It hasn't even started yet, you do know that right? Plus don't worry Caitlin; it's just a roller coaster." Luke answered, along with a smirk.

I shoved him. "Hey, don't make fun of me; you know I've never been on one of these." I replied.

One of the workers came over to our carriage and checked the safety bar. "Okay." The worker said whilst signalling the other worker in the booth to start the roller coaster.

"No, no, no. I want to get off. Luke help me please!!" I groaned, whilst squeezing Luke's hands even harder.

"Nope, you lost the bet. So you have to go on this roller coaster. Come on, it'll be fine, plus I'm sitting right next to you." Luke said smiling. He was so calm. Does he not know that this is the fastest roller coaster in Australia?

"Lukey, don't do this to me." I said, while giving him puppy eyes.

He just smiled. The lights started to change colour, red... Go! As soon as I know it, I'm travelling at 200mph. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed. We started travelling up the roller coaster track 180 degrees. I looked down, woops...bad idea.

The roller coaster stopped. Oh no! I'm not ready for this! I could see Luke smirking at me. It's not funny. The roller coaster started to move again. Now we were travelling 180 degrees downwards at 200mph. I closed my eyes, and screamed at the top of my lungs. Minutes later the roller coaster stopped at a halt. As soon as the safety bars were released I ran out of the carriage. Luke followed me afterwards.

"Don't you ever, make me go on a roller coaster...or any roller coaster again!" I shouted.

Luke laughed. "Maybe, you shouldn't have lost the bet." He argued.

"I hate you, Lukey." I replied.

"I know you love me." He said along with a smile.

"Lukey, carry on dreaming." I said, as I stuck my tongue out at him. He stuck his tongue back at me. We're so weird... wait technically, weird is just another term for limited edition.

I guess he was kinda right... I mean we've been best friends since kindergarden. Our relationship as best friends is very special and unique. We play like children, argue like husband and wife and protect each other like brother and sister... okay, the last part is more like, "annoy the crap out of each other like brother and sister." We made our way back to the boys, and by the boys I mean Calum, Michael and Ashton.

"So, how was it?" Calum asked.

"Sorry Calum, what did you say? Caitlin kinda made me deaf, from her constant screaming." Luke replied.

The boys laugh.

"Guys it's not funny, it was my first time on a roller coaster, okay?" I explained.

We made our way, around the amusement park, and went to different rides. I restrained myself from any roller coasters. I was not ready to recreate the torture in which I had just experienced.

Luke's P.O.V

"So... have you told her yet?" Ashton said, as he got in the carriage after Michael, which was in front of me and Calum.

"Erm... no. I don't think it's the right time to tell her yet." I replied.

"You do know, it's better to tell her know rather than wait right?" Michael said.

"Yeah, but... we're in an amusement park. Not exactly romantic is it?" I said.

"Ooo... lover boy wants to be romantic." Calum said, whilst teasing me.

"Shut up." I replied.

He just smirked.

The rest of the day, we... and by we, I mean me, Caitlin and the boys spent the whole day at the amusement park, trying out different rides and games available there.

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