Episode Three - Forbidden Scrollery and Untouched Score

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After 42 grueling galactic hours of travel, or 15 minutes if you've never watched "Men in Black"... our up-and-coming heroes have finally arrived at the Human Village. Conviently, just before night-time.

Shisutemu: [Would be a good idea to retract your wings, or they might mistake you for one of the fae.]

You land and retract your wings, and Shinjin unsuccessfully tries to hide hers.

(Y/N): Too bad you don't have Sunny Milk's ability.

Shinjin: Yet.

Shisutemu: You don't have Eastern Dream, Shinjin.

Shinjin: Then I'll just have her teach me.

Shisutemu: That's not how...abilities...work...

(Y/N): Can't be held back by common sense in Gensokyo.

Shinjin: Exactly.

You and Shinjin approach the gate.

Guard: Halt.

Two guards in imposing-looking armor stand in front of you.

(Y/N): 'Wait, how can I hear them? They're not omnilingual like Yukari.'

Shisutemu: [You gamer powers also account for language barriers, so don't worry about those.]

(Y/N): Hey, what did I do?

Guard: Nothing yet. It's just protocol.

Guard 2: Name, species, origin.

(Y/N):  (Y/N), human, outside world.

Guard 2: You think it's him?

Guard 1: It's definitely him.

One of the guards points to Shinjin.

Guard 1: Your turn.

Shinjin: Shinjin, ...fairy, rather not say.

Guards: ...You may both pass. 

(Y/N): Thank you, kind sirs.

Guards: But while that fairy can visit the village, she cannot live here.

(Y/N): 'What a letdown.'

Shinjin: Aw, crapbaskets.

You and Shinjin proceed into the human village.

[BGM: Touhou PDP - Human Village]

(Y/N): 'Ok. Step 1, find somewhere to live. Step 2, befriend Akyuu and Kosuzu somehow. Step 3, head to said newly-acquired base and phone Yukari.'

[Quest Acquired]

{Make yourself at home in the Human Village}
(Meet and befriend Akyuu)
(Meet and befriend Kozusu)
(Find somewhere to live)

[Reward: 530 G, 250 XP, Seeker's Band will transform, unlock Forge]

You decide to take a walk around the village while fiddling with one of your gold coins. After all, you've got 1300, what's one gonna do?

Apparently, draw attention.

?: Not only are fairies with twin-color wings unheard of, that's an odd coin... Are you perhaps the mysterious outsider and fairy Yukari told me about?

(Y/N): That depends: Who's asking?

You turn around.

---Timeless Memories of Gensokyo, Hieda no Akyuu---

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