Episode 9 - Shining Snowstorm Soaring

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[BGM: FDF II Stage 1 Theme - Endless White]

{Stage 1: A Snowstorm in Spring}

{Cherry petals should have fallen like snowflakes...Yet it was still silver with snow.}

You, Sakuya, Alice and Shisutemu soar through the snowy sky, following Shinjin. It's pretty easy for you to keep up, but the others have a bit of trouble at first due to the winds.

(Y/N): Slow down a bit, Shinjin. The others have to go slower due to the storm.

Shinjin: Oh, sorry!

Alice: It's fine.

Shinjin slows slightly, and everyone keeps up with relative ease.

Sakuya: ...I quite enjoy the winter.

(Y/N): Same. Even more than the rest of the seasons combined... it's still quite a spectacle, seeing this much snow.

Alice: It's normal to get a healthy amount of snow in the winters...adds to the charm.

Shisutemu: Back where (Y/N) was from, they only got 3 inches at most, and that's if they were lucky to get any at all.

Alice: Ah, sorry.

Cirno flies in front of you all, getting in your path.

Shinjin: Cirno, we SERIOUSLY don't have time to mess with you!

Cirno: Aw, come on! What happened the last time was a fluke! Fight meh!

Shinjin: Can't even summon without wasting my energy...

Shinjin brings out the Wand of Retribution.

Cirno: So you got a little doohickey, eh? What's it gonna do-

Shinjin incinerates Cirno with a cone of frostburn.


Shinjin puts the wand away.

Shinjin: Like I said.

Sakuya: Icy...fire?

(Y/N): Nobody knows whether it's that hot or that cold. Either way, it REALLY hurts.

Shinjin: Alright, moving on!

You resume flying.

(Y/N): Status on Reimu and Marisa?

Alice: Marisa came by just before I left, and we dueled. Damaged my clothes, so I changed into these. As for the shrine maiden...No idea.

(Y/N): At least it's something.

Sakuya: I'm surprised the fairies aren't attacking us. They went, as the mistress says, "haywire" during our incident. Besides the baka, who seems to be aggressive no matter what.

(Y/N): Fae Affinity. Shinjin's CHR is 5 times normal to them, and they wouldn't dare attack her even without that; the fairies view her as essentially their god. Won't even attack the rest of us until we attack them.

Sakuya: Understood. That's quite useful.

(Y/N): Very.

Shisutemu: I'm sensing an ice enemy... not strong, especially not compared to us, but above average. Wait, there's two. 

Shinjin: Wait a second-!

-----The Yuki-onna Winter Left Behind, Letty Whiterock-----

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