Episode 14 - Incident Chain Arc Part 1 - Moriya Mayhem

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{Destination: Hakurei Shrine}

[ZUN - Mountain of Faith - Menu: Sealed Gods]

You, Shinjin, Shisu, Dragov and Elena land in front of the gate of the Hakurei Shrine. 

Dragov: So this is the main character's house?

Shinjin: Yeah, it's a comfy little place.

Reimu's on the porch drinking tea.

Reimu: Good day, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Hey, Rei! Feels like it's been generations since I last saw you!

Reimu: It has been a literal year...

Elena: So you ignore the wall too?

Reimu: What?

Elena: What?

Reimu notices Dragov, who stares her dead in the eyes, and springs up.


Dragov: Hi.

Reimu: You- Do you know how long it took me to repair this uniform?!

Dragov shrugs.

Reimu: A-

Dragov: Don't care, didn't ask. 

Elena: So why are we here again?

Marisa: Yeah, why are we here?

(Y/N): Because of this.

You pull out a letter, and hand it to Reimu. She reads and...

Reimu: Close...the shrine? 

Marisa: What? Wait, that means...

Elena: I mean, might as well!

Instead of being disheartened, Reimu readies her gohei.

Reimu: Elena, shut it. You know what time it is, Marisa?

Marisa's eyes widen and her expression turns devious.

Marisa: Incident Chain time?!

Shinjin: Dang right!

Reimu: I have my work cut out for me and so do the rest of you, but if what (Y/N) says is true...

(Y/N): We'll all be stronger for it.

You go Tengu/Fairy/Vampire/Magician Chimera.

"I'll go Tengu Chimera and take Shinjin and Shisu up the mountain. I gotta check in with the kappa and Tenma in case negotiation went sideways."

Dragov: I still don't get why I need mechanical wings.

(Y/N): You don't need them yet, but I prefer to prepare equipment in advance and you are gonna need them in a later incident because the perp's base is airborne and too high to reach with a hyperjump. And if you're not gonna learn sustained flight, that's non-negotiable. Besides...

"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want to meteor slam fools."

Dragov: ...You drive a hard bargain.

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