Episode 4 - Yukari Joins the Party

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After a nice and long slumber, you wake up in your bed. Wait... your new bed. You're still in the Human Village. It wasn't a dream after all.

Shisutemu was real...
Your powers of the Gamer, are real...
The encounter with the fairy that would become Shinjin was real...
Your fight with Tsubakura was real...
You meeting Yukari, Akyuu, and Kosuzu was real...
Your hanging out with Yukari was real, too.

(Y/N): It was all...real. It was REAL! Good morning, Gen-sokyo!

(You catch the umbrella this time.)

+Touhou: Gamer's Eastern Dream+

+東方: ゲーマーズ-イースタン-ドリーム+
                     gema zu-isutan-dorimu

=Episode 4: Enter the Forge! Yukari Joins the Party!=

[BGM: Touhou PDP - Human Village]

Ecstatic and full of energy, you leap out of bed, do your morningng routine, scramble yourself some eggs and fry some sausage for breakfast, also whipping together a basic dough for biscuits. But you kind of overshoot and make way more than you were planning to eat. Eh, you were gonna have people over anyway.

Shisutemu: [Huh, and I thought you were like the rest of the people your age who can't cook whatsoever.]

(Y/N): When you get the house to yourself so often, you pick up a few things. Wait, I don't remember this thing being pre-loaded with food.

Shisutemu: [Ah, one thing I forgot to mention about Breeze From Home... While you only get items and food from the outside world occasionally, it lets your pantry, or the closest thing you have to one at a time, generate ingredients infinitely. No need to go grocery shopping, though you'll still need to cook. I won't let you be that lazy.]

(Y/N): Alright, fair enough. Mind checking the clock? I need to know when the meeting is.

Shisutemu: [Right now, it's around 6:20 AM. The meeting with Akyuu and Kosuzu should be around 12. Until then and after then, we can do whatever.]

(Y/N): Just under 6 hours, eh? Then I know just what to tackle first! But I should probably just tell Yukari what I find instead of calling her now, she's quite the heavy sleeper. Instead, I'll call...

[Calling Shinjin...]

(Y/N): [Morning, Shinjin!]

Shinjin: [Morning, (Y/N)!]

(Y/N): [How's it going?]

Shinjin: [Great! It's nice to finally sleep somewhere comfortable for once.]

(Y/N): [Glad to hear it. I found a secret door in the house last night. Want to come to check it out with me?]

Shinjin: [Who do you think I am?! Of course, I do! I'll be there ASAP!]

A matter of seconds later, you look out the window, hearing a blur go by with a woosh of wind and then immediately hearing a knock on your door.

(Y/N): 'I forgot how fast 224 MPH is.' Come on in, Shin!

Shinjin slides open the door, with an icy biker helmet on her head.

[Shinjin joined the party!]

Shinjin: Hi hi hi (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Hey hey hey to you! What's with the helm?

Shinjin's helmet disperses.

Shinjin: Aww, it broke... Cirno's practicing making stuff out of pure ice.

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