Episode 6, Part 1 - Scarlet Blood

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*Intro immediately.*

+Touhou: Gamer's Eastern Dream+

+東方: ゲーマーズ-イースタン-ドリーム+
gema zu-isutan-dorimu

=Episode 6: Scarlet Blood! The First? Incident!=

[BGM: Touhou FDF - Song of the Ice on the Lake's Surface ~ The Rhythm of Ice]

As you all fly across Misty Lake,(you running across the water like in the intro) and Shinjin faces down Cirno, who STILL tries to fight despite obviously being outclassed entirely, Marisa decides to ask you some questions.

Marisa: Alright, so...

-----Western Magician of the East, Marisa Kirisame-----

-----Western Magician of the East, Marisa Kirisame-----

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Marisa: You're (Y/N) (L/N) and she's Shinjin Pikushi.

(Y/N): Yep.

Marisa: You're from the Outside World, and she's a fairy you rescued from a cave.

(Y/N): Mhm.

Marisa: And your abilities are...

(Y/N): I gain the abilities of anyone I beat or befriend, and she can manipulate nature and its energy to her will. Along with us both having other skills. LOTS of other skills. Also, I have a Stand. It'd take too long to explain right now, I'll tell you more once we're done with this. I think you'd know a bit about using other people's things.

Marisa smirks.

Marisa: Yeah, I think we'll get along well. Mind if I get one?

(Y/N): Not at all. Not right now, though, the one method of getting it knocks you outta commission for a while-

Marisa: Too late!


Marisa: Since I've already got it, how do I use this thing?

Reimu: Don't do anything stupid, but you're supposed to stab yourself with it-

Marisa uses the Arrow on her left leg.

(Y/N): Marisa, why?!

Marisa: Not like I need that limb to resolve an incident anyway.

(Y/N): Bloody, darn! Gimme dat!

You stow the arrow away.

(Y/N): 'Straight out of my inventory. Talk about sleight of hand.'

Shinjin: It's nice to meet you- Ms.Kirisame- Ack, leave me alone, Cirno, I've got bigger fish to fry!

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