Episode 12, Part 2 - Lunar Royal Rumble

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Shisutemu: Alright, let me sum up the plan. Reimu, Marisa, and the others will keep Eirin occupied.

(Y/N): Cross headband, white hair, braided ponytail. 

Marisa: No problemo. I've got a major in suppressive fire.

(Y/N): I thought your specialty was giant buzzoff lasers.

Marisa: That's the best kind of supressive fire, cause there's nothing left that needs supressing afterward!

(Y/N): ...You are not so wrong there.

Shisutemu: Me, (Y/N), and Mokou will face Kaguya.

Mokou: Long black hair, fancy pink and red dress and a smug f*cking smirk.

Reimu and Marisa chuckle at the emphasis.

Reimu: G-Got it!

(Y/N): And whatever happens, those two must NOT come into contact. Unless you wish to face a 5-phase 2-minute spellcard that knocks you down in one hit, featuring Laser Hell. And if one tries to escape to assist the other, do NOT let them.

Mokou: Like I would.

(Y/N): See, she's got the right idea.

Reimu: Alright. You three head down the left path, we'll head down the right path.

The group promptly splits.

(Y/N): This is a very long hallway.

Shisutemu: I can sense her in this direction.

Mind if I do the recap while you run down it?

(Y/N): And get a free skip to the boss?! Heck yea!

Shisu: Sure.

Mokou: Who are you-

(Y/N): Long story.

[IKUSAAAAAAAN! - Session 1: Extend Ash ~ Hourai Victim]




[Second Action]


[Bamboo Cutter Palace]


{Are     You     Ready    ???}



You all take off down the hallway.

Last Time on Touhou: Gamer's Eastern Dream...

(Y/N) and co. entered the Bamboo Forest of the Lost in a rush to resolve the Imperishable Night Incident, but ended up running into a series of astonishing events.

First was the encounter with Fujiwara no Mokou, who promptly joined the party once she was told their motive.

Second was the relatively short encounter with Reisen, who was completely invalidated by Gamer's Mind.

Then our Player Characters ran into their greatest opponents yet...their own friends, in a battle that forcibly tore the chimera away from his fae sibling.

Touhou: Gamer's Eastern Dream (Male Gamer Reader x Touhou)Where stories live. Discover now