Episode 5- The Yakumo, the Motoori, the Hieda, and the... Hakurei?

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*A while after where we left off last time...*

[BGM: Dead Cells - Food Merchant]

You, Yukari, and Kiki are in one of the forge's cafes, casually enjoying some pastries and drinks.

(Y/N): Ahh, that hit the spot. Nothing like fresh cinnamon rolls after a bath on a good day.

Yukari: Besides the dungeon, this experience has been quite refreshing~ I may like to frequent this little installment if you don't mind of course.

(Y/N): You're welcome anytime. Just try not to mess things up too badly, please...

Kiki: The forge can fully repair itself overnight, but still, (Y/N)'s right.

Yukari: You both know danmaku duels are designed to do minimal damage as possible, right?

(Y/N): Says the lady who summons trains in front of her opponents' faces.

Yukari: I haven't yet~

Kiki: But you will.

Yukari: Well, I may or may not have a few prepared already.

(Y/N): Yeah, about that, could we discuss some stuff in private?

Yukari: And so we will. Thank you for the hospitality, Wasuremoni.

Kiki: It's my pleasure, Yakumo-sama.

You and Yukari exit the forge grounds back to Gensokyo. You un-equip your Tabi and put on your sandals.

[The sky mysteriously goes red before turning normal again. Could this be an omen?]

(Y/N): Was that...

Yukari: I think so. It seems the Scarlets are about to make their move.

(Y/N): They're striking at sunset. But Shisutemu said I had a week, it's only been 2 days...

[BGM: Touhou PDP - Human Village]

Yukari leaves through one of her gaps, and you ready yourself to quickly head out of the village to notify Shinjin- 

(Y/N): Wait a minute, I can just call her.

[Calling Shinjin]

(Y/N): [Hey, Shinjin! Have you recovered yet?]

Shinjin: [Yep, better than ever! What did you call me for, isn't the meeting in just over 2 hours?]

(Y/N): [It got pushed forward by 2 hours due to errands.]

Shinjin: [Oh, snap! I'll be there as fast as I can!]

(Y/N): [Head straight to the Hieda Estate, got it? It's a miniature mansion, can't miss it.]

Shinjin: [Ok! ...What's a mansion?]

(Y/N): [Shinjin...]

Shinjin: [I'm bluffing, I'm bluffing! Be right there!]

[Call Ended]

(Y/N): Fairies will be fairies after all.

You walk at a brisk pace instead of flying, so as not to arouse suspicion of your powers and because flight's unnecessary for such a short distance. When you get there, Kosuzu is waiting at the door.

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