⚠︎ Someone in the Audience

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⚠︎ - crazy concert, gun, slight sexual harassment, mentioning of being drunk, virus

GingerBrave and his friends headed out of Jellybug Forest after saying goodbye to Fairy and went to find the source of the music. they could see lights and they heard a lot of cookies cheering.
"biri-biri, brrrrr!" said a strange doughnut, which appeared to be rolling.
"wow! so cool!" said another cookie with buns.
"i ditched the ocean for this!" said another with blue hair and a swimsuit.
they followed them to where the music was and saw a lit-up stage. there were boomboxes on the sides and a cookie was DJ-ing in the center.
"that must be DJ!" GingerBright said with excitement.
"there's no doubt about it!" said Skater.
the group joined the partying crowd and listened to the music. they were enjoying it, until other cookies started pushing and shoving. they had limited space between each other, and some cookies around them were wearing questionable outfits.
"hey... i love the music, but... i think we should leave" Strawberry said.
"nah, it's fine! Zombie's enjoying this music too!" Skater said.
"i can listen to this music on my phone, and concerts can be pretty dangerous..."
"really? i think this is awesome! if only we had food, though."

just then, Strawberry noticed a girl in the crowd. she wore pink like her, but she was carrying a weird gun. she watched as she aimed the gun at a guy and shot him. the guy tumbled backwards and fell on the ground. moments later, he quickly got back up and ran towards the girl. he grabbed her and tried to pull her clothes off as if he was drunk. she didn't seem to be scared, though. she was smiling, which Strawberry found terrifying.
"guys, we should really lea-"
her sentence was cut off when she heard the music stop. she looked up at the stage to see DJ with a frightened look on their face. tears were rolling down their cheeks as they ran to the backstage room. she was worried about them.
"what... just happened...?" GingerBright asked with fear in her voice.
"the music stopped and DJ was crying..." Strawberry told her.
"look around...! everyone just looks like a bunch of zombies..." GingerBrave added.
"was it the music that caused this?" Skater asked.
"i doubt it... i don't see DJ as a bad person" GingerBright said.
"it's her..." Strawberry said, pointing to the girl from before.
"oh... she looks like trouble" commented GingerBrave.
"maybe we should go talk to her?" GingerBright asked.
"NO! that would be a dangerous move" said Skater.
"pretty... lady...? aagh...!" said Zombie, running up to the girl.
"Zombie, NO!" yelled GingerBright.
the girl then turned her head around to look at Zombie, which made them stop.
"oh... have you caught it?" she asked.
"hmm...?" Zombie said, confused.
"you don't seem like the type that's able to catch a silly virus..."
"VIRUS!?" the rest of the group shouted.
"oh, are these your friends?" she asked, walking towards them.
"what did you do to them? why do they all seem... drunk?" GingerBrave asked angrily.
"oh, i just couldn't help myself..." she said slyly.
"do you think it's smart to bring a gun to a party?" Skater asked.
"this wasn't a party. DJ does this all the time... holding these concerts like nothing will eventually go wrong."
"why did you decide to hurt these people...?" GingerBright asked, scared.
"i didn't hurt them. i just turned them all into lovesick zombies... and it simply spread! then DJ got all scared and hid from me, just like in the past..."
"wait... you know DJ?" GingerBrave asked, surprised.
"that's none of your business!" the girl said angrily, aiming her gun at GingerBrave and his friends.
"this way! hurry!" GingerBrave yelled, running towards the backstage room that DJ entered.
"but that room's off-limits to us!" Skater said while running after him.
GingerBrave then opened the unlocked door and let his friends inside.


note: this is where the story will take a darker turn, as well as when it gets more interesting. i hope you enjoy!

- Sky

(word count: 653)

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