Chapter 29

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-Five days later-

It was a quiet ride in the limo, everyone was doing everything quietly mostly to not wake the two up.

Yui was laying her head on Ayato's shoulder asleep as Ayato lays his head on top of hers asleep as well.

These last few days was going a little smoothly, surprisingly Yui was being herself but sometimes she couldn't cause her homorones.

The limo pulls up at school and everyone got out.

Ayato was walking beside his girlfriend holding her hand, mostly to keep both girls and boys away from her, he knew school was going to be a challenge.

"Hey Ayato."


Ayato stops turning around to see Donnie.

"Hey Donnie." Ayato said turning around to leave not wanting to have a conversation with his ex in front of his girlfriend.

"Wait, are we still friends?" Donnie asked.

Ayato felt Yui squeeze his hand.

"No." Yui answered for him.

Donnie looks at her with hatred and scowls.

"I didn't ask you." She growled.

"You didn't have to."

"Oh so you think just because you stole him from me that you are better than me!"


Yui slams Donnie to the wall full force lifting her up.

"Listen to me, Donnie and you better listen to me closely. I'm not going back in forth with you, Ayato is mine and mine only, you will never be nothing else to him, if I see you around him or even talking to him you will never see what's coming for you."

Donnie was shaking with fear, Yui lets her go and she ran away then looks at Ayato who put his hands up.

"I didn't do anything." He said quickly, not want to get punched.

"I know."

Yui grabs his hand and they got to class and sat down in their seats.

Ayato thought he was a goner, he didn't even expect Yui to snap and stay calm at the same time.

She is just full of surprises.


Yui was on top of the roof with Mariam, it was lunch time and they were at their usual spot.

"So Yui can I ask you a question?" Mariam asked.

"Of course." Yui said.

"Why have you been acting weird? You've been stuck with Ayato, and I don't mean this in a bad way or anything, just you've been territorial."

Yui sighs, she never thought this day would come.

"Can you keep a secret and don't freak out?"


" see..the thing is... I'm a v-vampire.."

Mariam blinks.

"I know."

Yui eyes widen in shock.

"What! You know? How! When?!"

"Haha, Yui calm down, I have a confession to make, I'm a vampire too."

Yui's eyes got bigger.

"And I'm guessing you in heat as well."

She nods.

"I had my suspicion on that, and you can stop holding your breath now."

Yui sighs.

"So you've been a vampire this whole time?"

"Flesh and blood."

"I didn't know that, you don't act like one."

"Yui just because I don't act like some of those vampires doesn't mean I'm not one, there are plenty of vampires here you don't even know of."

"Wow, I'm still new to this vampire stuff."

"That's how it is for new vamps, but don't worry you'll learn."

"But I thought the brothers taught me everything?"

"No, they taught you how to control your abilities, there's a lot more."

"Can you teach me?"

"Of course, we are friends."

As they talk and ate they went to their next class.


After school everyone went home.

Donnie was walking in her bedroom still angry. She can't have Ayato.

"Ah! It's not fair!" She screamed.

"You're right, it's not."

Donnie turns around in shock to see a man.

"Who the hell are you!"

"I'm Karlheinz, I can help you get Ayato back if you help me."

Donnie thinks and smirks.

"I'm listening."

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