🧘‍♀️~Double Trouble~🧘‍♀️

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Again at Dareth's dojo, we are training Lloyd who is trying to light a light bulb with lightning. He grunts as Jay passes him. "Focus, Lloyd. Control the power inside you. When you feel a surge welling up, harness it."

"I understand. I am in control." The light bulb glows but then breaks quickly making Lloyd groan in frustration

"Aah! Stupid light bulb! You're putting too much pressure on me." He turned to all of us who were just staring at him "Let me have one more try." He begged

"Ugh, sorry, bro. That was the last light bulb." I apologize showing the empty box

Cole hands him a broom "Clean up, Lloyd. We'll continue training tomorrow."

Lloyd turns away from the mess and uses the broom to punch a punching bag.

Jay sighs as we watch Lloyd hopelessly "What am I doing wrong, Sensei Wu? I can't seem to teach him to control his power."

Lloyd's broom hits him on the head. "You dare to defy the Green Ninja!?" He begans aggressively punching

"Patience, Jay. Sometimes, the greatest opponent we face is ourselves, and that's especially true of Lloyd. Remember where he came from. He's the son of Lord Garmadon. It's going to take time for him to embrace the light." Sensei taught but then turned examining me.

"In fact he is a lot like Y/n think of how you would teach Y/n something when teaching Lloyd." Sensei replied walking off

"I don't know if I should be offended by that or not..." I replied confused

Nya enters the room, wearing her sequined dress. "Hey, guys."

"Hey, Nya!" We all call out and I go join the other ninja while Nya talked to Jay.

See I already knew what she was asking him so no need to be nosy and eavesdrop on them.

"Hmm. It's from Lloyd's old school." Sensei announced out loud catching my attention

"The Darkley School for Bad Boys?" I ask standing next to Nya and the other ninja followed behind me

"Formerly bad boys. Since the last time we were there, they've changed to the Darkley School for Great Children." Sensei noted making me laugh a little

"Heh, wait. They've turned good?" Kai replied

"Hmm, it says here there's going to be a ceremony." Sensei replied ignoring Kai

"I love ceremonies. That means there's going to be-" Cole replied hitting Kai's shoulder but I already knew what he was gonna say

"Cake." I groaned finishing his sentence making him glare "we all know if Cole's obsession with cake right?"

All the ninja nod before looking at Sensei again

"Lloyd's change inspired them. Now they've invited Lloyd to give him an honorary degree in excellence." Sensei spoke

Lloyd breaks the broom and headbutts the punching bag.

"Are we sure we're talking about the same Lloyd?" Kai questions gesturing to him

"How is he getting a honorary degree in excellence when we have been saving the city for i don't know? Our whole life?!" I shouted drawing Sensei's attention

"Jealousy is not something you should be feeling Y/n. But proudness for how far Lloyd has come." He concluded walking away to help Lloyd up.

I got one word for you favoritism.


"At least I'm getting better." Lloyd chuckled nervously getting off the dragon in front of the entrance of Darkley's.

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