Chapter 18

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"You were supposed to be watching her." A deep and angry voice bellowed through the air. "but instead, she was practically blown up and kidnapped."

"We are sorry, Gabriel; we were fine one minute, then the next we woke to find the cabin like this." One of Gabriel's pack warriors tried to explain. Gabriel was beginning to lose his temper, but before he could, his beta appeared behind him.

"Boss, look," John spoke as he held a small canister in a cloth. "This knocked out the warriors; it was found under their car."

"Do we know who done this?" Gabriel asked as John shook his head.

"As of yet, we don't." He told his Alpha, "I phone the cabin owner, but he knows nothing, and I believe him."

"Are you sure?" Gabriel asked doubtfully.

"The guy is a very old friend of mine. He was the one that told us she was here in the first place. So yes, I trust him."

"Alright, check for fingerprints and anything that might identify who took Sam," Gabriel ordered as he turned and began to walk back to his car. His phone buzzed in his pocket, and when he pulled it out to read who was calling, it read withheld number. He pressed the answer button and held it to his ear.

"Hello?" He asked, only to be greeted by a painful high-pitched scream.

"Hello Gabriel," a voice called on the other end. It sounded playful with each word. "I believe I have something of yours."

"Who is this?" Gabriel asked in a dangerous tone. His body stance had changed, his back now arched with tense shoulders, his fist now clenched tightly.

"Someone who now has a hold on you. And you will do exactly as I say."

"Bull shit. I don't take orders from anyone." He growled just as another scream bellowed out through his phone.

"Hear that, every time you say or do something I don't like. I will break her delicate human body." The voice chuckled. Gabriel's heart sank, knowing that somehow her secret of being human was out. No one knew if she had her wolf still, but at this moment. Everything about her was human, which meant no quick healing.

"Oh, you thought you were the only one who knew?" The voice laughed before settling, "My dear boy, I have my spies everywhere." Was all he said before he hung up on Gabriel.

"John!" Gabriel yelled out as John rushed over to him. Gabriel grabbed the shirt on his shoulder and pulled him to the side.

"We have a traitor in our house. Someone told Sam's kidnapper about where she was and that she is human."

"A traitor? Gabriel, I don't know." John tried to reason with him.

"But who could it be? It cant be you because you are always by my side and know a lot more than he does, or he would have used that against me as well." Gabriel tried to come to an answer. "It has to be someone who knows these things but not everything."

"Or like the pack gossiper?" John tellingly asked more.

"That little shit." That was all Gabriel said before walking back to his car.

"Back to the house," John called out to the men, who followed suit.


Sam screamed in sheer pain as a red hot blade was pulled through the skin on her upper back. While it was painful, she was thankful for the knife being superheated as it stopped the bleeding, which is more than likely why they are doing it. Which means they are trying to keep her alive for as long as they can.

She sat in a chair the wrong way around, so her bare back was on show. Her hands are chained together at her wrists and pulled forward so that she cannot pull them closer. Her ankles were chained to the chair legs. A blade had now cut Sam's once long brown hair to just above her shoulders.

"Now then, Gabriel has been informed of my capture. So now we can have a little fun." He grinned as he grabbed hold of Sam's chin to make her look at him.

"Am afraid I won't be of that much fun." Sam smiled weakly at him.

"Oh really, and why?"

"I'm about to pass out again." Sam smiled sinfully at him before she dropped out of consciousness.

"Well then, we will just have to wait."


Gabriel and John arrived at the pack out just as the other cars pulled up. Gabriel was the first out of his vehicle and quickly walked over to the front door. He didn't even bother with the handle and instead just kicked the door in. It swung open and hit the wall with a bang, nearly causing it to shatter. John stayed directly behind Gabriel as he could feel the anger emanating from him.

"Get the whore down here now." Gabriel hissed through his teeth as he stood shaking, trying to keep control of his temper. A couple of the pack warriors rushed up the stairs to find the spy. It only took a few moments before the shrill could be heard as the warriors grabbed the spy. It didn't take them long before they had her down and standing in front of Gabriel and John. The pair of them towered over her. When her eyes caught the Alpha and Beta standing with death glares in front of her, her wolf whimpered. The woman was none other than the Barbie that thought she would be Luna one day just because she was the pack whore.

"How could you?" John asked her, taking over from Gabriel. He knew that if the woman in front of them spoke anything, he would have to restrain the Alpha. "From the moment Sam first stepped into this house, you were a nasty little shit." 

"I don't know what you're talking about," She tried to talk her way out of this. 

"Oh please, you are the gossip. You find out everything in this pack." John told her with an unamused scowl on his face. "Why did you go and tell someone where Sam was and that she was human?" 

"Because I was supposed to be Luna, I was supposed to be the one you loved!" She yelled out, "not that filthy rouge slut." 

Gabriel laughs dangerously. 

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