Chapter 17

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*6 months later*

Sam woke up to the sunlight beaming in through the window of her small cabin. She let out a soft sigh before blinking the sleep away and then rolled out of the white sheets. The cold wooden flooring nipped at her warm bare feet as soon as they hit. The birds happily chirped away, singing their morning tunes along with the rustling of the leaves in the wind. 

For the past three months, Sam has stayed comfortable in a little wooden cabin in the middle of the forest. She had found it one day while travelling and decided to camp for the night. The cabin owner appeared the following day, and Sam offered that in exchange for her stay there, that she would bring the place back from the old torn down way it is now. In three months, she has almost completely repaired the cabin. 

Sam quickly washed her face and brushed her teeth before changing into a pair of grey joggers and a white strap shirt tucked in. She made herself some simple porridge for breakfast with a banana and a glass of water. She was sitting down on a seat outside of the cabin. She took in the nature around her. This small place was a paradise to her, and the money she had taken from Gabriel kept her afloat with the necessities.

Life in the middle is nowhere was drama-free, something that Sam took peace in. She was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that she had a past life. That werewolves are a real thing. And that the one that was supposed to love and cherish her was the reason and cause of her demise. That still has not fully settled in yet. But the main question remained, why was she here? Why was she brought back after she died? And by who?

After she had finished her breakfast, she took the dishes inside and cleaned them before pulling on her boots and walking outside to where the stack of wood lay. She grabbed the axe and began to chop the wood she would need for today and tonight.

The day passed quickly as she continued with the cabin's never-ending repairs before she finally settled down for the night. It was dark outside as the sun had set a while ago, and now the owls had replaced the morning birds. Sam had managed to install a small tv with terrestrial channels. She had an old war movie playing as she lay on the sofa with a blanket over her. A couple of empty beer bottles say on the wooden table, and she felt her eyes get heavy.

The movie on the tv went silent for a moment as the soldiers crawled through tall grass, about to assault their enemy. Then there was an explosion which jolted Sam awake. Her heart pounding in her ears before she realised that it was just the movie. She sighed and sat up. She rubbed her eyes and stood up, throwing the blanket over to the other side of the sofa. She grabbed the empty bottles and walked over to the bin before turning back and walking towards her bed.

Just then, as she was walking past the front door. An explosion blew the door off its hinges. Sam was sent flying back several meters and onto a wooden table, breaking it as she landed. Her ears rang loudly as she tried to recover from the wind being knocked out of her. Blinking several times to try and get her vision back, she rolled over onto her side and pushed herself up. She watches as around eight people dressed in black combat gear with night vision goggles on their helmets. Eight large automatic weapons were now directly pointed at Sam.

"Do you have any idea how long it took for me to find you?" A voice sounded from the now doorless frame. Sam didn't recognise his voice as she continued to try and bring herself back from the blast. "Your skills of disappearing have not faded, I see. The only reason I found you was because you bought beer."

Sam groaned as she started to feel the pain ripping through her fragile body. By the way, her breath was and the fact it hurt like hell, she knew she had a few broken ribs. "That alcohol addiction you have always had, always let you down."

"Screw you," Sam spoke between painful breaths. "Asshole."

"Now I finally have the leverage I need to get Gabriel to do what I need him to do." The mam spoke to Sam as she continue to struggle, now fighting off the darkness that was slowly creeping in.

"And you, dear sweet Sam. The one who defied all odds, the resurrected one. Are my golden prize." The voice laughed as he nodded to one of his men. She saw the man pull back his weapon, ready to hit the butt against her head to knock her out. But before he could, she let the darkness overtake her, and she drifted into unconsciousness. The man stopped his weapon as he watched her pass out and then nodded to another of his colleagues. They slung their weapons over their back, and one picked Sam up. The other reached over and lifted Sam onto his shoulders to carry her out of the cabin. Three black vehicles with truck beds. They all began to pile into the truck while chucking Sam's unconscious body onto the truck bed. They both jumped up and knelt next to Sam as the gate was shut. Someone tapped the truck to inform the driver they were good to go.

They sped off, leaving the cabin that Sam was repairing and the life she began to love.


Hello guys, I apologise for it being so so long since I last updated. I have had a lot going on between both work and other commitments I haven't really had a chance to even think about writing. Update may be slow. But I promise I am going to try and do better than leaving you guys hanging for so long.

Again I really really do apologise.

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