Chapter 6

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"Shit, Come on Sam. Look at me, don't close your eyes." Gabriel said as he press his hands down onto her stomach to try and stop the bleeding. Sam's head was laying over his lap while her body was stretched out as much as it could cross the rest of the leather seat. Her face was so pale that she looked like she was already dead. Beads of sweat coated her forehead as she tried to keep her eyes open and looking up at the grey eyes which held so much fear within them.

"Gab..." Sam whispered gently as she struggled to breath in pain.

" Shh, just stay awake and keep looking at me." Gabriel muttered as his right hand continued to press down on her bullet wound while his left stroked the top of her head gently. "You need to get better. Okay, you need to push through this."

"The... Dress..." Sam muttered weakly between breaths as Gabriel chuckled.

" Don't worry about the dress. It's fine and you are going to pull through this so you can wear it to the upcoming ball." Gabriel spoke to her as Sam smiled weakly.


" Yes It happens every year. People come together in a celebration of life." Gabriel told her as he pressed harder onto her bleeding wound. The blood never stopped as the car skid to a stop outside the medical ward, where the door was swung open revealing a gurney with nurses surrounding it. Sam was lifted out of Gabriel's arms and moved onto the gurney by the driver and another man in a black suit. The nurses then rushed off with Sam while Gabriel jumped up out the car and looked towards his men.

" Go and get me clean clothes and bring them to me." Gabriel ordered them as they nodded and left to follow out the order. Gabriel walked into the ward and headed toward the small reception area where the receptionist nodded to him, knowing way he was here. Gabriel nodded back and walked over to the toilet where he washed his hands from her blood. He then pulled his shirt off which was blood soaked as well. He now stood looking in the mirror at his tinted red skin from the blood that managed to seep through his shirt before he pushed the tap back down and took a scoop of water and splashing it onto him. Once he quickly cleaned himself off, the door had opened for the two men he sent to get clean clothes.

" Here you go, sir." One spoke as he passed over a bundle of clothes and Gabriel took it.

" Get me John, and make sure that the patrols around the territory are tight. I don't want any blank areas for anyone to get through." Gabriel told them and they nodded before turning and walking out the toilets. Gabriel then dried himself off with some paper towels and pulled on a white t-shirt and then changed his trousers to dark grey cotton joggers. He pulled on the white trainers which they had brought for him as well before putting the bloody clothes into the rubbish bin and then walking out. He walked over to a light wooden door just across from the bathroom.

" Sir, I thought you would like to know. The doctors have taken Sam into theater to remove the bullet. They are lucky because if she had not been human then she would be dead due to the fact it was coated with wolfbane." A nurse said before she bowed and disappeared again as Gabriel opened the door and walked into a small meeting room. He walked over and sat down at the table which could sit six people. He sank his head into his hands and laced his fingers into his long chocolate brown hair.

" Gab? You sent for me?" John spoke as he closed the door behind him. He sat down quickly next to Gab and placed a hand onto his shoulder. "I am sure Sam will be fine. She may be human but I have no doubt she is still a bad ass."  

"Yeah, anyway the reason why I brought you here is that I want to know how the hell four assailants managed to break through our patrols and shot Sam?" Gabriel asked clearly unhappy about what has happened. But then who wouldn't been? He just got his love back and now she is laying on a surgery table with a bullet lodged into her stomach.

" It seems we have a gap in the southern part. I just had it patched up." John spoke switching to his serious, not joking around mode. Gabriel nodded and rubbed his chin with his hand showing he was thinking up solutions for a problem.

" I want training to increase from three days to four days a week and instead of them being three hours make them four. Clearly the warriors are lacking in skills so much so that their future Luna has been shot." Gabriel growled slamming his hand down onto the desk.

" I think we should talk to neighboring packs as well. They may have intel if by chance the four crossed their lands as well?" John spoke as Gabriel nodded agreeing with him.

" I want Daniel and Coal to go to Hunters Ground pack and Shanae and Ted to go to Blue moon Pack." Gabriel said with a soft pause, "They will leave once you have drafted up a letter informing why they have been sent and that have to be back on pack ground within three days." Gabriel told John who nodded agreeing.

" I have put out three more wolves per patrol to boost the strength, I should also inform the other packs to do the same. We have no idea if this is aimed at us or just a random attack." John mentions to him. Gabriel nodded again.

"And the guards will have to be increased with the upcoming Ball. Send out letters asking all Alphas and Betas attending to bring at least five of their best warriors and that one of them is to stay with them or near them at all times." John agreed with what Gabriel had just said before standing up and walked to the door. John left Gabriel to his thought as he went off to draft up the letters and send off the four warriors.

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