Chapter 10

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After heading back to the diner to pick up her pay and short out her shift pattern for the next couple of weeks, Sam decided to go shopping. She needed a new pair of trousers for working in and she had an idea on what shop she needed to go to. As she drove along the road, she noticed a black SUV behind her and her gut feeling was that she was being followed.

"Damn that bastard!" She hissed and pushed the accelerator to the ground, sending the car flying down the road. She pushed down the clutch and brake at the same time as she took a tight corner. The SUV followed suit but with it being a bigger vehicle the corner was a lot harder for it to take. After a few more corners she managed to lose sight of the SUV, she slowed down her speed and relaxed a little while still being vigilant.

After a few minutes more driving, she pulled into a parking space at the kerb of the road. Right outside the shop, she needed to go to. Stepping out of the bright orange car she closed the door with a slam and pressed the lock button before making her way into the shop. She was welcomed with a smile when she walked straight for the black trousers. Quickly finding her size and rushing over to pay for them. Soon as she had her change and the bag she rushed back out to the car before speeding off once again to her next stop; her favourite bakery.

Order her usual, a doughnut with cream in the middle. She sat at one of the tables and enjoyed her sweet treat. She relaxed in the establishment for a little while before deciding it was best to head back to her rented room in the hotel she was living in just before Gabriel found her. Pulling out her key, she opened the door to her room. It wasn't the best room but it was clean and tidy with white bedsheets and freshly painted walls. Sam walked over to the bed and fell on top of it looking up at the ceiling.

It was then she began pondering over everything that has ensued over the past few weeks. How she went from being homeless with no-one to being offered a place to stay permanently with a lot of people surrounding her. The place had felt familiar like she should be there. Like she belonged there. Her mind then moved to what was under the dust cover in the garage. It was strange how she felt drawn to it, and how she felt she needed to know what was there.

Then Gabriel, who was he? Why had he taken her in? A complete stranger. For all he knew she was a mass murderer on the run, but he opened his doors and offered her a home and a family.

Truth was, Sam doesn't even know who she was. She has no memories from when she appeared in a hospital five years ago. Remembering nothing but her name and a longing to belong. Since she was released from the hospital, she decided to move from town to town, exploring and earning her way as she went. Making new memories in place of the forgotten ones. But even then, she still felt something big was missing from her. Like a part of her was left somewhere and she had to find it.

Getting up from the bed, she grabbed her bag and packed up her belongings from the hotel room, which did not amount to much. Once done, Sam walked to the reception and checked out before heading back to the orange car. The bag of clothing was slung into the passenger seat before Sam slipped into the driver side. She drove off heading back towards Gabriel's place, feeling that was the place she could relax for now. Until the time came that she would look to move on.

Pulling into the garage from the snowy driveway, Sam effortless parked the car and stepped out. As soon as she was out, the door to the garage swung open to show an angry-looking Gabriel.

"I wanted to be alone for a while, and it seemed the only way to do so was disappear from your guard dogs," Sam growled as she walked around to the passenger side to get her bag. She closed the door and locked the Ferrari before placing the keys back onto their hook. She pushed past Gabriel and headed towards her room.

"Where did you go?" Gabriel asked as he stood in the door frame watching her unpack all her stuff.

"That's my secret, and it's gonna stay that way."

"You know I can find out. I know everybody in this little town."

"Good for you, now do you mind? I would like to shower and go to bed." Sam ordered him as Gabriel sighed and left her room, closing the door behind him.

"What the hell is wrong with him," Sam muttered under her breath as she grabbed a fresh towel and made her way into the ensuite bathroom. She took a long hot shower, being careful of her wound; which had pretty much healed by now. It was beginning to show the scar that would be left behind; a bitter memory of what happened.

It was fairly early to actually to to sleep, so Sam sat up watching tv for a while before heading off to sleep.

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