Chapter 11

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Today was the today, Sam would find out. It had been bugging her all night long, to the point she only managed several hours of light sleeping that even a feather hitting the ground could wake her up from. Sam had decided in the early hours that she would have to find out exactly what was hiding. Something in her mind seemed to pull her towards it like she had to find out or she would regret it.

Sam quickly dressed in a pair of baggy darl grey pair of jogging bottoms with cuffed ankles. A white, short-sleeved t-shirt over her top half with her hair up in a high ponytail. Her feet bare so to not make any noise as she wandered through the halls at 5 am. It wasn't long before she made it to the door she was looking for, quickly going through it she rushed over to the item that had plagued her mind for a few days now.

She reached out her hand and grabbed the dust cover that was in the garage and with a swift pull, it was off. Revealing a motorbike, shiny as the day it was bought. The black and silver metal stood perfectly as the body. The black leather seat looked enticing to Sam as she ran her fingers along with the bike. She moved her hand to the handle and wrapped her hand around it.

As soon as she gripped the handle a vision flashed before her. It was of a woman on this bike, driving it along the main road. The woman was in a leather jacket and had striking red lips. She looked exactly like Sam. Her hair down and floating in the wind that whipped past her.

Sam pulled her hand back from the bike, startled at what had happened. With a new determination, Sam turned and went to the keys to find the right ones for the bike. It only took her a moment because when she saw the keys it was like she remembered them. Shaking her head she rushed over to the bike and threw her leg over and sat down. She placed the keys into the ignition and twisted them to bring the bike roaring to life. Just jittered a little but picked back up to how it should. Taking a moment, Sam hesitates to place her hands onto the bars. But when she did, everything felt natural. Even though she didn't remember having a bike.

Revving the engine, same drove out of the garage and out into the driveway. The cold morning air biting at her bare arms and feet.

"Maybe not the best ideas I've had." She muttered as she decided to drive it up and down the street only in front of the house before coming back in. It was like a euphoric feeling as the wind zoomed past her. The world seemed at her fingertips even on the single stretch of road. It felt like she belonged on this bike. After a few more minutes, she decided it would be best to head back in before she catches a chill.

Rolling back into the garage, Sam switched off the bike and placed it onto its stand. She pulled the dust cover back over the bike before placing the keys back on the wall. She made her way quietly back to her room, feeling slight cold from her little adventure. Having decided to heat herself up, she jumped into the shower for a quick body wash. Just as she walked out of the shower room, there were a gentle three knocks on her door.

"Come in, " Sam called and the door moved to open. Gabriel walked in and closed the door behind him.

"Morning, " he muttered to her as he walked over and sat on her unmade bed. Sam watched him as he was still in his nightclothes. His half sleepy state stirred something in her heart. The way he plopped down onto her bed and sat slouched, how his messy hair spiked in all directions. The white of his eyes slightly red from sleep. The morning light bounced off him perfectly, he looked godlike.

"Morning," Sam said back having to drag her eyes away from him. Her heart beating miles an hour.

"I need to ask you something, " he began before having a slight pause, "I have a grand ball coming up in a few days. A lot of higher-ups will be there. Would you like to attend with me?"

"As a date?"

"Well, yeah, I guess." He muttered becoming all bashful and blushing a slight tint. There was a long pause between the two as Sam thought over his question.

"You don't have to say yes. I just thought I would."

"Yes, " Sam interrupted him. Gabriel looked to her in shock. She walked over to him and looked directly into his eyes.

"I don't know why, but I feel something." Sam said before placing a hand on her chest above her heart, "right in here whenever I look at you. Like this is where I belong, like I have known you for a long long time. And that you are very important."

"Sam, you have no idea." Gabriel as he reached out and grabbed her shoulders, pulling her towards him. He wrapped his arms tights around her top half, keeping her incredibly close to his strong hard chest. Sam jumped in surprise at the embrace, but the tingling coming from the contact warmed her heart. Allowing her body to relax into him and wrap her arms around him.

"Today I want you to go and buy a dress. Now it is a ball, so go extreme." Gabriel chuckled while continuing to hold her close. "But let's stay like this for a little while longer." Sam just nodded as she closed her eyes. It was then that Gabriel noticed she was only in a towel and blushed that much harder.

"Sam, " Gabriel asked and looked down only to realise that she had drifted off to sleep with a small content smile on her lips. Deciding best not to wake her, he moved to place her back down into the bed. He slipped in under the covers with her and pulled them up. Sam twisted around and wrapped her arm around his waist, pulled close. Gabriel smiled and closed her eyes and he wrapped his arms back around her before falling into one of the best sleep in a long time.


New cover! What do you guys think?

Next chapter will be released soon

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