Chapter 1

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His jaw slowly dropped enough to open his mouth in shock. His heart fluttered and flew about the place. Butterflies erupted in his stomach. His mind went crazy along with his wolf. The noise of nothing was deafening around him. Tears pricked his eyes. A smile grew on his lips. Time seemed to slow down until it barely moved. Gabriel pulled in a deep breath, needing to confirm he was still breathing. It was then he only muttered one word. Or more, one name.

" Sam..."


Her eyes lifted as she heard her name being called. Her brown eyes connected with his blue ones and in an instant there was a connection. Confirming to Gabriel, that she was indeed Sam. A fury erupted within him that cause a deep growl to rip through the diner. Everyone went silent as they watched Gabriel storm over to the woman who looked like Sam. He grabbed her by the arm tightly, before pulling her through the kitchen and then out the back door into an alleyway. He pinned her up against the brick wall of the diner and held onto her shirt collar.

" Who the hell are you?" Gabriel spat furiously in her face. He looked into her brown eyes and could only see a slight hint of fear.

" I should be asking that question! Seeing as you think it's alright to push someone (a woman at that) up against a fucking wall and yell in their face!" She yelled back, anger replacing all hints of fear towards him. This only seemed to fuel him more in pushing her further against the wall.

" You better watch your tongue! I don't know who you think you are impersonating Sam," Gabriel yelled as he continued to push the woman up against the wall until she could not breath. "But you sure as hell should not be naive enough, to think I would let you go so easy for doing so!" Gabriel yelled as she struggled for breath against him pushing on her throat. Her hands went up to his hands and tried to pry them away. As her hands touched his he could feel that similar spark he would feel when he would have touched Sam, but he passed it off as some trickery.

" Who sent you?" Gabriel yelled just as the back door burst open once again and his warriors piled out into the alleyway. "Who sent you?" Gabriel yelled loudly in her face.

" Alpha! Stop this, can't you tell. If this really is Sam, then you're killing her!" One of his warriors said as he calmed down before carefully walking over to his Alpha, "Stop. Before you do something you won't be able to fix." He spoke softly to try and calm his Alpha down. Gabriel looked into Sam's eyes as they looked at him pleadingly just before they shut and her hands fell from his. Gabriel retracted his hands like he had just burned himself. The look on his face was disgust, hate and anger all directed to himself for what he has just done. He looked down at his hands before growl and letting out a frustrated scream as he slammed his fist into the brick wall. His fist punched a hole into the bricks with a little dust flying around and some debris fell to the floor.

" Why would someone do this? Why would they play with me like this?" Gabriel asked as he watched the motionless Sam laying on the cold ground. His mind could not comprehend Sam really being here, it was not physically possible to him. A warrior went over to check that Sam was alright and to their happiness she was only knocked unconscious.

" Come on, I think we should head back to the pack house. We need to make sure Sam is alright." One of the warriors said as he ordered some to take Gabriel to the car while he bent down and picked up Sam carefully within a bridal hold. Her limp, breathing body lay softly again his chest, and even though he was unmated and was currently holding an unmated woman in his arms, there was no overwhelming feeling of lust. In fact, it felt more like he was holding a sister if anything. He walked over to the last car with her and slipped into through the open door, sitting down on the seat with her on his lap. The door was closed before the car was soon heading off towards the pack house.

" So much for Granny's." A warrior said as the drove back home.

" Hey, there is always another time." The warrior with Sam said to the driver and they all agreed. It only took ten minutes before they pulled up outside the medical wing of the pack house. It was a separate building that sat to the left of the house. The door opened not two moments later as he then stepped out of the car with Sam still in his arms, he then made his way into the medical ward and caught the attention of a nurse.

" Is that..." The nurse asked looked stunned and wide eyed as the woman in his arms.

" We think so, but Alpha Gabriel thought this was all a cruel trick and pretty much strangled her in trying to get a confession." The warrior said as he placed Sam on a bed. "I need you to check her over. To make sure there is no lasting damage."

" Right away. Where is the Alpha?" The nurse asked.

" The other took him back to the house to chill down before coming here." He informed her with a smirk. The nurse blushed with a small smile, knowing he was flirting with her.

" Well I better take her to a doctor. See you." The nurse said.

" Oh, you can count on it." He smirked as she scurried away with a deep blush on her already red cheeks

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