Chapter 2

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" Beta John, I need to speak with you." The nurse said as he sat in the room within the medical ward. He was watching over Sam who lay unconscious on the bed before him.

"What is it?" Beta John asked as he could barely take his eyes of Sam. She lay there, in full view. But he was still finding it difficult against the fact that years ago she died and they buried her.

" It's about our Luna. Can you please talk with me outside, just in case she hears." The nurse spoke gently as Beta nodded and stood up while following the nurse out the door. He never moved from the other side of the slightly open door. As he remembered last time she was left unsupervised in a medical room. She jumped out the window and took off.

" What is wrong?" The beta asked pushing the nurse to be quick with her words.

" Well, um. The Luna is fine. There is nothing that will cause her any damage. Although there will be a bruise on her neck." The nurse bowed her head and spoke the bare minimal.

" But that will be healed quickly by her wolf genes correct?" The Beta asked, knowing there was a but in there somewhere.

" I'm afraid not, you see." The nurse began to closed her eyes. "Our Luna is human."

" Gabriel, what's this I hear about Sam?" Gabriel's father, David walked into the Alpha's office without knocking. Normal Gabriel would have argued with him but at the moment he was not in the mood.

" I don't know myself, Father." Gabriel began. "Some warriors and myself walked into Granny's and there she was. And I freaked out. Thought someone was trying to play on my heart, so I pulled her outside and from there you have most likely been told the rest." He informed the man who was the spitting image of him, but with more worry and stress lines on his face.

" Again? Every time you meet this woman, you always seem to mess up." David said while taking a seat on one of the sofas in the room.

" I know, but seeing your mate; who is dead. Waiting in your local diner, really fucked up my mind for a moment." He justified his actions as the room fell into silence.

" So what are you gonna do with her then?" His father asked him as Gabriel thought for a moment.

" Do what I should have done in the first place." He began as he stood from his chair and walked over to the large bay windows. "Accept her, hope she accepts me and then live out a happy life."

" If only it was as easy as that, son." He spoke was a knock at the door sounded.

" Come in." Gabriel called in a deep voice as the door handle moved to allow the door to open.

" Beta John, what is the reason for your visiting at such an our?" David asked standing up when he walked in as a show of respect. David may be the ex-alpha, but he still have to show respected to the current ranks.

" I came to talk with Alpha Gabriel." John nodded to David giving him his respect before his face hardened and looked to the Alpha who stood at the window looking at him with a curious gaze.

" What is your business?" Gabriel asked as he walked back over to his desk and took a seat motioning for John to sit as well.

" Thank you," John spoke as he sat down and looked back up at Gabriel. "It's about Sam, Alpha."

" What about Sam?" Gabriel asked looking a bit panicked thinking something my have happened.

" The nurse said there is no lasting damage but a bruise around her neck." John began and Gabriel nodded softly.

"How long will that take to heal?" Gabriel asked him as John swallowed deeply.

"  A few weeks." John spoke quickly as Gabriel looked at him funny.

" How will it take a few weeks? Her wolf should heal a bruise in hours." Gabriel said as John sighed.

" That's what I thought as well. And I asked her why it would take so long." John told before he pause on trying to think of the best way to put this to his Alpha.

" Well, spit it out." Gabriel growled in a threatening tone to his beta. This sent shivers down his spine. He knew better than to withhold information about an Alpha's mate from him.

" She does not have a wolf." John told him as silence fell over the room. John felt uncomfortable in this silence as he moved around.

" What do you mean, 'she does not have a wolf'?" David asked as Gabriel could not find words.

" I mean, she has no wolf because she is a human." Again fell the silence. Gabriel looked shell shocked to say the least. There was an absent look in his mind as if he was communicating through his mind with the nurse that was directly in charge of his mate, just to double check that what John was saying is true.

" Son, if this is true. Then she may have no idea what we are, what life she lived before. I think this may be your second chance at a life with her." David said snapping his son from the mind connection, "Even if she is human, I have no doubt she will still be as strong willed as before."

" You're right, Dad." Gabriel spoke as he looked to John. "Set up two rooms the floor below ours, side by side."

" Yes Alpha. If you don't mind me asking why two rooms?" John asked while standing up.

" I will not have my now human mate sleeping with a pack house full of un-mated horny male wolves. I will be staying next door to her until such time comes that both rooms will no longer be needed."

" Understood, I will have them sorted immediately." John said before exiting the office quickly.

" You really think it will go back to normal?" Gabriel asked his father who sighed.

" I don't know, but I think the pack should be instructed to say absolutely nothing about her past with us, just in case it triggers a memory." David said as Gabriel nodded while thinking over things in his mind. "Son, we have both done things that we are in no way proud of, and only wish to forget. But when life gives you another chance. Take it, don't let it slip; or you will regret it forever."

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