Chapter 8

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"How are you feeling now?" Gabriel asked as he walked into Sam's room. Sam had just moved back into her new room after spending four days in the hospital bed. 

" Alright," She said as she sat up more in her bed with a small wince. "Still in a bit of pain mind you." She chuckled softly before settling down and looking up at Gabriel. He walked over with a tray of food, but it also held a couple of tubs of tablets. 

" I brought your pain meds, so that won't be a problem much longer." He said as he walked over and sat on the edge of her bed before handing over the tray. The tray held a bowl of cream of Tomato soup and a glass of water. Sam picked up the spoon and dipped it into the soup.

" I have ordered some DVDs to watched tonight if you would like?" He said as Sam put a spoonful in her mouth. She nodded and dipped the spoon back down. 

" That sounds good, I could do with the company." Sam smiled at him as he nodded. 

"Are you any closer to finding out who shot me?" Sam asked as a heavy silence settled over the pair. Gabriel sighed and moved so his elbows were propped up on his knees and his head bent. 

" At the moment, we have a name," Gabriel said as his features turned dark. "But I promise you, I will find the mutt behind this." 

" Mutt?" Sam asked finding the word strange for an insult. 

" Eh yeah." Gabriel hesitated to realise his mistake. Silence eloped them again as they both sat there looking anywhere. Sam took another spoonful of her soup.

" What will you do... When you find him?" Sam asked as Gabriel shrugged his shoulder. What was filtering through his mind was never anything he would tell Sam. Instead he settled with telling her the easy way.

" You don't have to worry about that. He will get the justice that is due." Gabriel said but Sam could see that whatever he was planning to do was a lot darker in through that what he was saying to her. But not having the energy to argue, she simply nodded and picked up her meds. 

" Well, I better get back. I have a lot of paperwork to get through." Gabriel said as he stood up and walked out the door leaving Sam alone in the room. She sat in the bed and looked around before reaching for the TV remote while keeping the tray steady on her lap. She grabbed the remote and switched on the TV. Choosing to watch a crime drama, she placed down the remote and began to eat her soup once again; although it was slightly cold now.

A few hours passed with Sam sitting in her bed aimlessly watching TV. Finding crime dramas or paranormal series, there was one of her favourites that had two episodes playing. It was a paranormal series with two brothers that hunt monsters and save the world. Not to mention they die in almost every episode and that a Tuesday is not a day they like to think about much, or clowns.

"Sam, I meant to ask. Do you have anyone you want to contact?" Gabriel asked while walking into the room with his eyes on his phone. Sam was to busy concentrating on the TV screen to answer him. Just then Sam, The youngest brother, opened the locker to show a kitten. Dean, the eldest brother, scream in such a high pitch yell. Sam burst into fits of laughter as Gabriel jumped in fright at Sam's sudden outburst. "Holy mother of all things macaroni! You just about gave me a heart attack." Gabriel cried as he clutched his chest, " Wait... No..." He said before looking at Sam with a fearful look, " Heart attack..." He mutter.

" Shut up." Sam chuckled as Gabriel joined in. Sam's eyes then went back to the TV screen as she shook her head.

" But no, I don't have any family. I never knew my family. I was an orphan and have been as long as I can remember. I was never adopted so once I reached eighteen, I went out on my own. I have never had any friends so..." Sam said trailing off. Gabriel shut off his phone and looked at her.

" You have a friend now... You can have a family if you want. It may be a very large family, but a family it is." Gabriel smiled placing a hand on her knee through the covers. His smile was gentle and caring with so much faith behind it. It was a smile that could make even the grumpy cat smile slight.

" You all have done so much for me already. I don't know how to give back." Sam muttered through a tearful smile. It must be her medication that is making her so emotional because hell, she could cry right now.

" You don't have too. Family help each other out and expect nothing in return." Gabriel smiled at her and he took her hand into his and cup it.

" Family does not have to be by blood. A family is those that help each other when they hit rock bottom. A family is those who love each other even when they don't have too." He then pulled up her hand and kissed it lightly. His eyes closed as he enjoyed and savoured those sparks that he has not felt in so long.

" Anyway, no more chick flick moments. How about we watch a movie."  Gabriel said as he stood up and walked over to the DVD cabinet and picked out a DVD before taking it out its case and put it into the TV.

" What did you choose?" She asked him as he placed himself next to Sam.

" The truth... I have no idea." Gabriel chuckled while looking at her. "I closed my eyes and just guessed."

"The best way to do it," Sam said as they settled down and watched the movie. It turned out to b a spy movie that Sam had never heard of. It was a very good movie, but Sam's medication took their effects again and she fell off to sleep soon after the middle of the movie. Gabriel looked down to see her shiver a bit. He looked around to try and find a blanket but could not find anything. So he took off his shirt and trousers before slipping in under the covers and moving to lay next to Sam. He gently placed an arm over her waist and kissed the side of her head.

He thought about the day's events. His pack officers and he had found out who it was that ordered the hit. And he was damned if he would let him get away with it. But as it turns out, that they planned to try again. So he decided to wait until they did, catch them red-handed. The best way.

" I promise, nothing will ever happen to you," Gabriel promised before drifting off into a calm and peaceful sleep, with his lost mate in his arms again. How lucky he was to be there and he was not going to waste one moment of it.

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