Chapter 3

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" Okay, so your check seem to be fine and everything is in order. But I need you to stay in the main house for a while, just to keep an eye on you." The nurse spoke as Sam listened to her on the bed. She had woke just under an hour ago and no one would tell her anything; where she was,how she got here, who brought her here? These questions and more keep ripping though her mind.

" Where am I?" Sam asked again only to receive the same answer again,

"I will let... Gabriel explain that to you." She muttered. But something irked Sam, it was the way she said Gabriel. It sounded strained, like she was calling him by the wrong name.

" Well, where is this Gabriel?" Sam emphasized his name to prove a point, that he was not there yet he is the one that had to tell her. Something flashed through the nurse's eyes, anger. At the way she spoke his name, now Sam thought that was really odd. Why would she be anger at the way she spoke his name?

"Right here." A voice reverberated around the small room. The nurse's eyes snapped over to the door before her head dipped and moved to the side showing her neck slightly. Sam was completely confused by her actions towards this man. The nurse then scurried wordlessly out of the room, leaving the man at the door and Sam all alone.

" What is your name?" The voice asked, it held so much authority and almost fear.

"Sam." She found herself say without her wanting to. It was almost like this man before her could control her. "Who are you?"

" I am Gabriel, I am the leader of this house." He said stepping forward to walk into the room. Sam eyes landed on him as he walked over to her bed. Sam's breathe caught in her throat when she realised that he was then reason she was here in the first place.

" Please, I just want to apologise for what I did. It was inexcusable and I know that. But I lost it when I saw you, you see. You are the exact image of someone I had done wrong in the past. I regretted it wholeheartedly and when I tried to make it up to her... She died." He told her as Sam sighed with a slight understanding in his actions. I mean if she was him she would most likely freak out as well.

" Okay, but why can't I go home?" Sam asked him while looking into his gorgeous grey eyes showed so much emotion through them it sent shivers down her spine. Sam done her best to mask the shiver from him.

" We need to keep you close. Just in case something the tests come back with something ominous." Gabriel smiled softly to her.

" Ominous?" Sam said with wide eyes and a scared hint.

" Sorry, wrong word." He fixed himself. " I already have a room sorted for you on the second highest floor. Its the only available room in the house at the minute."

" Thanks, can I go now? I really am starting to fell nauseous in this white room." Sam said as Gabriel nodded to her as she pulled the covers off her lower body and slowly flicked her legs around to place them gentle onto the cold tiled floor. The feeling was blissful as the cold spread up her legs softly.

" There is a dress sitting on the chair for you to change into. Along with some underwear." Gabriel said as he stood up and walked to the door. " I will just be outside. Call me when you are finished." He said as he walked out the door and closing it behind him, pulling it until there was a small click. Sam sighed and stood up a bit wobbly at first but regained her balance and made her way over to the dress. She picked it up and held it so she could get a closer look. It was white material skater dress with a red thin belt around the middle.

" Pretty." She muttered before taking off the hospital gown and pulling on the simple white thongs and white bra before pulling the dress over the top and buckled the belt with silver feathers. Once she was dressed Sam ran her fingers through her brown hair before walking over to the door and opening it.

" Gabriel. I don't have any shoes and I would rather not walk around bare foot." Sam said as she walked out the now open door and looked at the very tall man before her, his grey eyes looked at her with something in his eyes. Almost as thought he was seeing something he never thought he would see again.

" Don't worry, The room you will be staying in has some in it. But for the walk there I could carry you if that is alright with you?" Gabriel said as he handed a green clip board back to a nurse and opened his arms to show her he meant what he said. Sam raised an eyebrow to him with a sigh.

" I guess I have no other choice do I?" Sam said as Gabriel shook his head and walked over to her small body and picked her up. He held her bridal style close as he could before making his way through the medical ward and towards the main house.

" When you get to your room, you will need to get ready before I take you to get some new cloths." Gabriel said as he took twists and turns.

" I have cloths back in my flat." Sam said as she shook her head.

" Think of this as an apology for my actions. They were out of line." He muttered to her.

" Well then I guess I will just have to accept. Besides I need to shop for new cloths as my old cloths are outdated." Sam said as Gabriel chuckled at her answer. He took another corner before walking up a few flights of stairs and turned left to walk past three more doors before stopping at one. He left Sam down gently while keeping an arm around her waist as he opened the door with the other.

" Go on. This will be your room for your stay here." He said as pushed Sam a little by the small of her back towards the room. Sam placed a hand on the door frame as she walked into the large room. The cream filled white room was stunning with a large double bed and two side tables with a small stool at the end of the bed. A sofa just down from the bed held a few purple and cream pillows facing a small rustic fire place.

" Do you like it?" Gabriel asked as she walked in and ran her hand over the back of the sofa. She turned to him with a smile on her face and a glow in her eyes.

" It's amazing. I might just end up staying here and not leaving." Sam chuckled as Gabriel joined her chuckle with his own through a half smile. His hands sat in his black jean pockets. His chest moved softly under his dark blue, collared shirt which had its top few buttons left undone.

" There is make up on the desk along with any hair supplies you will need." He said pointing to the vanity desk which was sat to the right of the bed against the wall opposite the windows. It was littered with neatly placed beauty products, everything a top stylist would ever need. She walked over and looked at them all before turning to look at Gabriel.

" Who are these? They are all high end things?" Sam asked with astonishment.

" They where..." Gabriel began to say before stopping and thinking of the best way to tell her, "They belonged to someone who looked like you. She left though, so you don't have to worry about using them."

" Thank you so much." Sam said as she rushed over to Gabriel and hugged him tightly. At first Gabriel stood stunned at the sudden action before returning the hug, closing his eyes and savoring this thankful moment he thought he would never have again.

" Okay, time to get ready. I will be back in an hour. The door there is the shower while that door there connects to the next room." Gabriel pointed first to the door closet to the windows as the bathroom while the door on the other side of the fire place to the connecting door.

" Who is in that room?" She asked him as she looked up to the grey eyes handsome man who stood next to her built like a shit brick house.

" Mine." He smirked to her as he looked to her small frame.

" Oh, okay." She muttered before Gabriel turned and walked over to the connecting door. He opened it and turned as he was half way through to face Sam again.

" One hour." He said before walking into his room and closing the door behind him, leaving Sam to do a little squeal and jump before heading towards the desk to doll herself up.

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