Chapter 9

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A few weeks passed over and winter had soon arrived. The frosty mornings had set in, coating the windows with delicate designs. Sam was still healing from her injuries, but she was now able to move around the house. Everyone she had met, though that only being a handful, where very kind to her.

"Sam, you don't have to wash the dishes! You're still injured." A soft voice screeched behind her. Sam turned around to see a small older woman strutting towards her with a frantic look on her face.

"I know but I want to help," Sam said shrugging her shoulders and she turned her head to look at the lady, her hands still in the soapy warm water.

"Gabrial will kill me if he knew." The lady said as she walked over to Sam.

"Well, I'm bored doing nothing. So this is more than likely the least strenuous thing I can think of to occupy my time." Sam said shrugging her shoulders. They both made light work of the dishes and soon came to an end.

"Thank you," Sam smiled to the lady.

"For what?" She asked Sam confused as to why she was thanking her. 

"Giving me some company. I've not really spoken to anyone apart from Gabrial." Sam said, "and even then, he's barely been around."

"He's a busy man." The lady said. 

"I can tell." Was all Sam said before they fell into silence. "But honestly, I hate being cooped up in here. Don't get me wrong the place is lovely!" Sam backtracked. "But I prefer to be out there, exploring and living."

"It's amazing..." The lady muttered, Sam let of a hum as if asking what she meant. "Eh, it's amazing, out there I mean." The lady said. This cause Sam to scrunch her forehead as she didn't quite believe that's what she meant. But she decided it would be best to leave things as they are.

"Anyway, I'm going to explore this mansion of a house." Sam chuckled as she dried her hands before waving a small bye. It true the house was massive, big enough to fit a small town in you could say.

"There seemed to be no end." She whispered as she walked around corner after corner in the halls. Every room on the ground floor was different, ranging from living rooms to game rooms to gyms. But the door that pulled her interested the most lead out to a garage. There were many fancy cars littering the stone building. Sam's eyes widened, she had never been anywhere near an expensive car never mind this many in the one go.

As she wandered around checking out the motors and their paintwork, and then out the corner of her eye; she saw something covered over with a dust sheet. It was definitely too small to be a car. Sam's curiosity started to get the better of her and she walked over to the sheet. She reached out a hand to pull the cover off.

"Sam!" A voice thundered through the house causing her to retract her hand from the dust cover. She sighed and turned to walk out of the garage, but not before turning to look at the dust cover feeling the need to find out what was underneath it.

"Gabriel, what's wrong?" Sam called as she walked towards his voice.

"You shouldn't be wondering about, not without someone else with you," Gabriel said as he saw her walking towards him.

"I don't need to be watched 24/7 Gabriel," Sam said as she walked past him and towards her room. She could hear Gabriel walking behind her, huffing and puffing. She walked into her room and trying to close the door, only to have it stopped by him.

"I want to go out," Sam told him simply as she walked over to her bed.

"Absolutely not," Gabriel told her immediately causing Sam to spin around to face him with rage plaster on her face.

"What the hell do you mean?" Sam yelled at him.

"I mean no way in hell are you going outside."

"Like hell, I'm not! Who do you think you are, keeping me locked up in this prison?!" Sam yelled at him.

"You said you wanted to live here, which meant you live by my rules," Gabriel yelled back.

"Had I known that is be locked up in here then I would never have agreed to it!"

"What more do you want? I am giving you a roof over your head, I'm giving you protection!"

"Protection?! You're giving me protection." Sam laughed "let me just try and get this through your thick head. Since I met you, I was strangled; by you! Then I was shot! Being with you has brought me nothing but bad luck!"


"Before I met you, my life may not have been easy and great; but I was free. I could go where ever and whenever I wanted to. And you have literally ripped that away from me in the space of two months." Sam continued on her rant. "Now, I suggest that you let me outside without constant, round the clock baby sitters. Or so help me God I will make life within this building a living hell. And trust me, I can do that."

"Is that a threat?" Gabriel growled stepping closer to her.

"It's a promise," Sam said taking a step closer to him.

"I don't take threats lightly."

"I highly suggest you don't take me lightly. That would be a heavy mistake on your part." Sam smirked to him before turning and walking to her wardrobe to grab a black leather jacket. She pulled it on as she walked past him.

"Sam!" Gabriel called to her as she walked down the halls with a purpose and to the garage. She pushed open a door and grabbed a random key for the board and pressed the button. The lights on a bright orange F8 Ferrari flashed follows with a bleeping. Sam walked over to it and opened the door before jumping in and roaring up the engine. She eyes drifted over to the far corner with the dust-covered item still sat. Shaking her head she drove out of the garage just as Gabriel walked through the door.

"God damn it!" Gabriel yelled as he watched the same driving off from the house.


Hey guys, I'm sorry about the long, long, long break. But I have figured out the storyline now so I will be looking to update more often! Thanks again to everyone that offered ideas! They have been noted and some even used!

Thank you for continuing to read!

Love you guys 💓

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