Chapter 12

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Sam stepped out of the car just as Gabriel stepped out of the driver's seat. Gabriel had pushed things around in his schedule so that he could take Sam to the shop in order to purchase a ball gown and with the ball being tomorrow night, things had started to pressurise.

"I'm not a huge fan of being back here," Gabriel said as this was the place that Sam was shot in. He has not been back since, and now they are both backs.

"Just because something happened here, shouldn't stop you from going back. The place is not the problem, our problem is with the shooter." Sam shrugged and began to walk towards the mall. Gabriel walked behind her constantly keeping a lookout, to which Sam could only roll her eyes.

"What shop first?" Gabriel asked as Sam shrugged her shoulders, she had no idea as she had never had the need to buy a ball gown. They decided to just walk through the mall in hopes they would find a store.

"This one looks promising." Gabriel pointed at a store that looked almost like a bridal shop. Sam modded and manoeuvered into the store with Gabriel. The woman behind the desk looked up and smiled at the before making her way over.

"Hello and welcome to Dress to Impress." The lady smiled and bowed her head slightly. "How can I help you both today?"

"We need a ball gown that will stand out from them all." Gabriel told her, "and the price is not a worry."

"Very well, let's see." The woman nodded and looked at Sam up and down before nodding yet again and turning away from them, "I have three dresses in mind."

"Okay, " Sam said as she was violently grabbed by her hand and pulled to the changing compartments.

"Now, underdress and put this one on first." The woman pointed to a very large white dress bag. Sam nodded and slipped out of her own clothes, before unzipping the bag. She tried on the first one, which was a beautiful deep red. The neckline was a sweetheart across the shoulders with different length ruffles. On most of the ruffles was intricate lace designs. The dress was stunning even sitting loosely on her.

"Alright, " Sam called in the woman. The lady then came in and proceed to lace the dress tightly showing the curve of her waist and hips perfectly before it bounced out. Once done, Sam walked out catching Gabriel's eyes.

"Wow, " was the only words Gabriel could muster up. Sam walked over to five, floor-length mirrors with a little box to stand on that would represent standing in heels. The woman smiled while straightening out the dress. Sam loved this one, the colour fitted her perfectly with her abundantly full chocolate brown hair that fell in its usual curls one that shoulders.

"I love this one, " Sam smiled and Gabriel bounced his head in agreement.

"Come on, we have two more to try one still." The woman ushered Sam back to the changing room. Sam tried on the lady two dress and they as well we're both stunning. One was deep bottle green and it was covered in sparkles. A hugging corset before it would explode out above her hips. There was a little train at the back of it with a sweetheart across the shoulders neckline. The third was a light satin blue with the same shape of neckline expect the bottom part was not as puffy.

"I'm going to get them all for you, "  Gabriel grinned, Sam could only laugh loudly while shaking her head.

" Piss off, when am i going to wear all three?" Sam laughed, the lady looked at her in surprise at her language. "One will do nicely."

"Fine, which one?" Gabriel quizzed her. Sam thought for a moment before picking the dress she wanted. Happy with her choice the woman packed the dress away properly and handed the bag over to Gabriel. They both then turned and walked out of the store, Gabriel began to head back to the car but Sam stopped him.

" Where are you going?" Sam spoke out loud to him. "You do realise that i have to buy shoes, jewellery and a bag for the dress yes?"

"Oh, I didn't. God you women and your outfits." Gabriel smirked to her.

"Now now, you're the one that asked me to attend with you."

"Very true," Gabriel muttered as he trailed behind Sam, who was checking out the windows of the shops to see which one had the best shoes. They browsed through many shops, joking and laughing as they went. Spending a good few hours finding all the necessities needed to pair with the dress.

They decided it would be best to head back home as the stores had begun to shut down and the mall was emptying quickly. They walked side by side back to Gabriel's car, all hands full of shopping.


Okay, guys, sorry about the short chapter but,

It's down to you.

Pick the dress!

I have chosen three dresses and now you can choose the outcome! Each one has a different take on the next few chapters so make sure you pick your favourite!

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