Chapter 1

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Frostkit lay near the nursery, silently watching the other kits play with a mossball in the warm afternoon, their paws scrambling on the soft dirt to catch the ball. Why are they so interested in that stupid ball of moss? Frostkit wondered, her eyes narrowing. I guess that they're too young to understand about what a waste of time is chasing that stupid ball.


Frostkit whipped her head around to see Finchpelt, a golden she-cat. Her belly was swollen and was pretty big with Shadeheart's unborn kits inside. She stumbled a bit as she padded over to Frostkit.

"What?" Frostkit grumbled, glancing at the she-cat with annoyance. "I'm not doing anything wrong, am I?"

Finchpelt tipped her head, her gaze burning into Frostkit. "Go play with your littermates," Finchpelt told her, flicking her tail at the two kits chasing the mossball. "They'll want you to join them."

"They're not my littermates!" Frostkit exclaimed, her tail lashing. "And they wouldn't want me to join them." Frostkit glared at Finchpelt before gazing back at her denmates.

Finchpelt waved her tail dismissively. "Well they are your denmates," Finchpelt retorted wearily. "If I were your mother, I would order you straight to go play with them."

Frostkit stared at Finchpelt for a moment before her pelt started to bristle. "I don't have a mother." Frostkit growled defensively, eyeing Finchpelt angrily.

Finchpelt's eyes widened and sparked with alarm. "I know you're upset about Grayfrost," Finchpelt murmured, trying to comfort Frostkit. "But she's watching you in StarClan. She trusts us to look after you, so please go play with them."

"Mistleaf should've healed her!" Frostkit snapped, baring her tiny, sharp teeth. "What kind of medicine cat doesn't heal?" Frostkit glanced toward the medicine cat's den angrily, imagining the light gray she-cat sorting herbs inside.

"Mistleaf did all she could," Finchpelt replied steadily, her eyes narrowing with frustration. "She did her best, Frostkit, you must believe that. Not all things Mistleaf could've fixed."

When Frostkit didn't answer, Finchpelt licked Frostkit's ear affectionately. "Go play with them," Finchpelt prompted. "You only get to live once. Better to live a good life then a lonely one."

Frostkit let out a low growl but bounded toward the other kits hesitantly as she was not sure if they were going to accept her. She had never really played with them, only hanging to the side.

"Hey Frostkit!" Yarrowkit, the golden she-kit, greeted, her tail waving excitedly. "Are you here to play with us?"

"Don't get your hopes up, Yarrowkit," Smokekit, the dark gray tom-kit, mewed beside the mossball, shooting an angry glare at Frostkit. "Frostkit always wants to do something else."

Before Frostkit could answer, Smokekit went on. "Let's go somewhere else, Yarrowkit. We don't want to get in Frostkit's way." Smokekit's eyes flashed briefly with frustration.

Yarrowkit shrugged, gazing doubtfully at Frostkit. "I guess," Yarrowkit murmured, looking away from Frostkit.

"I want to join!" Frostkit called quickly to them as they started padding away.

Yarrowkit looked backwards at Frostkit, her eyes bright with hope. "Really?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yes," Frostkit replied then nosed the mossball that was near her. "You're playing with this mossball? How do you play?"

"We were tossing it back and forth!" Yarrowkit explained excitedly, bounding back to her and her eyes wide with longing. "You have to try and catch it! It's really fun, I promise!"

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