Chapter 6

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Frostpaw exited out the apprentices' den with a yawn, squinting her eyes from the bright light from the sun. Frostpaw glanced around, barely no cat had come out yet, but she noticed the dark grey pelt of Strike, lurking near the nursery.

Frostpaw paused and stared at Strike as he entered into the nursery. She slinked into the shadows and got closer, trying to peek into the nursery, but it was too dark to see much. She only heard quiet whispers.

After a moment, Strike exited, looking more exited than usual. Strike glanced around and bounded toward the warriors' den.

Frostpaw's eyes flashed accusingly as she hurried over to the tom before he could disappear into the den. "What are you doing?"

Strike jolted, but he gained composure when he saw Frostpaw. "Frostpaw," Strike greeted brightly, but his gaze darkened at Frostpaw's glare. "You're early."

"You didn't answer my question," Frostpaw snapped, her tail lashing side to side.  "What are you doing."

"Visiting the kits," Strike sniffed, eyeing Frostpaw uneasily. "Finchpelt invited me to see her and the kits today."

Frostpaw snorted, gazing at him doubtfully. "This early?" Frostpaw demanded, starting to pace. "Who gets up this early to see kits?"

"Me," Strike spat, baring his teeth in a snarl. "Just get out of my way, Frostpaw. You're just an apprentice, you don't understand."

Frostpaw faced Strike and let out a growl of defiance. "How long are you and your group staying here?" Frostpaw demanded, unsheathing her claws to look more scary.

"As long as we need," Strike grumbled, his eyes narrowed, not a bit scared. "I know you hate me and all, but have you thought of becoming friends with me?"

Frostpaw hesitated. I have...

Strike's eyes lit up as if he knew what she was thinking about. "I knew it!" Strike exclaimed looking pleased. "So why don't you become my friend dear?"

Frostpaw glared at him. "I have special attributes I look for friends," Frostpaw warned, her eyes narrowing. That was kind of true, but not really actually.

Strike's gaze turned icy cold, stiffening in place. "I will not turn myself into whatever you want just to be your friend."

Frostpaw thrusted her head forward, looking directly into his eyes. "I didn't expect you to," Frostpaw growled, but before she could say anything else, Poppysong appeared outside the warriors' den.

Poppysong glanced at both of them questioningly. "What are you two arguing about?"

Frostpaw gazed at the deputy, trying to keep calm. "Nothing you need to know," Frostpaw muttered, keeping an eye on Strike.

Poppysong's eyes narrowed, her gaze cold. "Are you sure?" Poppysong asked softly. "I'm the deputy, I can try to fix the problem."

Strike dipped his head respectfully, but let out a growl. "Just go organize patrols."

Poppysong flashed an annoyed look at Strike. "Who's the deputy?" Poppysong demanded, baring her teeth in a snarl then her gaze hardened. "You're different than the last time you and your group stayed here."

Before Strike could retort, Poppysong silenced him with a flick of her tail. Frostpaw felt amazed at Poppysong's bravery to face Strike and was thankful to have a strong deputy.

"I want to hear no more arguments," Poppysong went on, her gaze unwavering. "Or else Cottonstar will have both of your pelts."

With a swift nod at both Strike and Frostpaw, she hurried off toward the fresh-kill pile which was only a few pieces of soggy prey because of the harsh rain last night.

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