Chapter 5

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Frostpaw was holding a blackbird and her and the patrol were trekking back to camp with their prey. Frostpaw glared at Snap who was holding a rabbit, but nobody noticed as they were just meowing about ShadowClan crossing the border.

"I want to ripe out their fur!" Skyfrost growled softly, keeping her squirrel securely in jaws.

"Yes!" Birdstripe agreed with a two mice in his mouth. "Do they think they can cross the border without us noticing?" Birdstripe lashed his tail angrily.

Snap looked uncomfortable as Birdstripe turned to him. "What do you think about the current ShadowClan situation?"

"I don't know what to think," Snap admitted, looking at his paws. "Didn't the patrol scent dog also? Maybe they got chased over onto ThunderClan territory."

"They crossed our border either way," Frostpaw replied, trying to keep calm and relaxed as she looked at Snap. "Why couldn't they turn and they wouldn't lead it into ThunderClan territory. Anyways, we have a dog loose now in our territory," Frostpaw added sharply. "Probably because of them."

Snap dipped his head, eyeing Frostpaw wearily. "I'm not apart of your cats," Snap answered coolly. "I don't know everything."

"I say you're apart of our cats," Skyfrost declared, nudging Snap playfully. "Most of your group have lived here for a pretty long time before, so I say yes."

"Well he or neither does the rest of Strike's cats have proper warrior names," Frostpaw snapped, glaring at Skyfrost. "They weren't born here."

"Some of our cats were born here," Snap argued. "Like Rocket and Hail."

"Rocket and Hail are Whip's kits right?" Birdstripe guessed. "Whip and Silk."

"Yes," Snap confirmed. "They're so big now. You must've seen them."

"Actually I haven't," Birdstripe admitted, embarrassed. "I didn't recognize them, but I bet they grew up in hops and bounds."

Before Frostpaw could say anything else, they had reached the camp entrance. To Frostpaw's surprise, Cottonstar and Poppysong were in front, looking worried.

"What's wrong?" Skyfrost asked.

"ShadowClan," Cottonstar answered grimly, exchanging worried glances with Poppysong. "We sent a patrol over to talk to Cloudstar because we scented them again. We're waiting back for news."

"Did Bluemist and her patrol chase away the dog?" Frostpaw asked quickly.

Bluemist and a couple of other warriors had been sent to chase them out of ThunderClan territory. Apprentices were not allowed and Frostpaw was deeply dismayed and so was Smokepaw who was eager to show his skills.

Poppysong nodded. "They successfully drew away the dog," Poppysong meowed, her eyes glowing. "Bluemist told me the dog was pretty tough."

"I wanted to join them," Frostpaw murmured, imagining the exciting scene of the dog getting chased away.

"It's for the safety of all apprentices," Poppysong reminded her. "None of you are big enough to challenge a dog and even with five warriors, it was hard."

"I understand," Frostpaw muttered, turning away from Poppysong's stern look.

"Anyways, I hope they're back safely," Cottonstar meowed, gazing doubtfully in the undergrowth. "ShadowClan was always ruthless."

"But they're still cats like us," Snap pointed out. "They still need to hunt. Maybe the dog chased away their prey?"

"That's a good point, Snap," Cottonstar answered before Frostpaw could answer with a sharp retort. "But they crossed our border without permission and we need prey also."

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