Chapter 8

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Frostpaw saw Strike, panting, in between Whitefur and Woodpaw, their pelts starting to get bloody from Strike. Strike flopped onto the ground when Whitefur and Woodpaw put him down and they both glanced at Cottonstar wearily.

"What happened?" Cottonstar demanded, striding over to them and sniffing Strike, his eyes glowing with shock.

Whitefur looked even more shocked then Cottonstar. "ShadowClan," Whitefur growled, his tail lashing. "Strike told me he went for a walk and they suddenly attacked him."

"He needs help!" Woodpaw added, gazing at Mistleaf and Spotpaw pleadingly.

Mistleaf jolted from treating Shallowpool and quickly bounded over to examine Strike. "It's pretty deep," Mistleaf murmured with deep concentration. "It can get infected quickly and I bet it's painful."

Strike glared up at Mistleaf, his eyes narrowed in pain. "Just do what you do." He snapped.

Mistleaf turned to Spotpaw who was beside Frostpaw. "Finish up quickly with Frostpaw," Mistleaf told her before crouching down beside Strike to quickly stop the bleeding.

With a quick, respectful nod at Frostpaw, Spotpaw bounded over to her mentor to help out, her tail waving wildly as she bent over to help Strike.

Cats started crowding around, but then Cottonstar shooed them away with a flick of his tail. "All of you go back to camp," Cottonstar growled, shooting stern looks at every cat. "Except...Sandypelt and Flamewhisker."

Mutters of surprise came from the cats around Frostpaw, but they slowly padded back toward camp except for Sandypelt and Flamewhisker who were now beside Cottonstar.

What are they talking about? Frostpaw wondered, her eyes narrowed as she saw Cottonstar murmur to them. Frostpaw didn't follow the rest of them instead, watched intently while hidden in a bush.

"Frostpaw!" Birdstripe's voice called from the group of cats hurrying away.

"I just need to make dirt!" Frostpaw called back wearily before quickly changing a new hiding place just in case she gave herself away from the reply she gave to her mentor.

After every cat left except for Cottonstar, Sandypelt, Flamewhisker, Mistleaf and Spotpaw, Cottonstar was speaking much more confidently and louder now.

"We need to know why ShadowClan attacked Strike," Cottonstar told them, his voice dangerous. "Go to their camp and ask Cloudstar for an explanation...and why they trespassed on our territory." Cottonstar angled his ears toward the ShadowClan border.

Sandypelt exchanged glances with Flamewhisker. "Isn't it obvious?" Sandypelt asked, dipping his head slightly in respect. "They trespassed our territory because they need prey while...the Strike thing, they probably were angry they lost and took it out on Strike."

"That's what I expect them to say," Cottonstar meowed softly, his eyes glowing with thoughtfulness. "But actually, I'm sending you two there to look for clues."

Frostpaw's eyes widened and so did Sandypelt's and Flamewhisker's. Frostpaw shifted uneasily at the spiky branches and it made a rustling noise that alerted Cottonstar and the rest of the cats.

"Who's there?" Cottonstar demanded, his head whipped to where Frostpaw was hiding. He lifted his head to taste the air and then wrinkled his nose. "Frostpaw?"

Frostpaw groaned, stepping out of the bush to reveal herself as Cottonstar had clearly smelled her. I should've rolled in some mud or something to cover my scent.

"Why aren't you with the others going back to camp?" Cottonstar demanded angrily, eyeing Frostpaw suspiciously.

"I was just making dirt," Frostpaw lied hastily, bowing her head as all three of their gazes burned into her pelt. "And I heard you talking. I was curious."

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