Chapter 11

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Frostpaw paused at the camp entrance as a cat dashed toward her. It was Spotpaw, her gray and white fur bristling and her eyes wide with shock. She stopped in front of Frostpaw, panting and then hesitated.

"What is it?" Frostpaw demanded as the rest of the patrol padded away from them to do their own thing.  "What happened, Spotpaw?" Frostpaw gazed at the medicine cat's apprentice in confusion.

Spotpaw lowered her head. "Your father, Breezeflight," Spotpaw murmured hastily then paused before shaking her head. "He' the medicine cats' den and he's not well."

Frostpaw tipped her head. "What do you mean?" Frostpaw asked quickly, her eyes flashing briefly with worry. Is he sick? "Does he have greencough?"

Spotpaw looked agitated. "He's...been poisoned," Spotpaw told her reluctantly after a moment. "By some fresh-kill."

Poisoned? Frostpaw thought in shock and anger before racing toward the medicine cats' den, not waiting for Spotpaw.

Frostpaw entered the medicine cats' den and looked around. She had never entered the den before because of the disgusting herby scent that came inside of it. There were herbs stacked neatly inside holes in the wall. There was also four nests inside, one was occupied by Breezeflight.

Frostpaw bounded to him immediately and sniffed him. "Father?" Frostpaw asked softly, nudging him when he didn't reply, his eyes closed. "I-I...will figure out what happened."

"Your father is unconscious." Mistleaf appeared at Frostpaw's side, her eyes glowing with worry and sympathy. "I've done what I can, now all we can do is pray to StarClan to heal him."

Frostpaw glanced at Mistleaf doubtfully. "Did you do enough?" Frostpaw demanded with a hard edge to her voice. "My mother died because...of you, Mistleaf."

Mistleaf's eyes widened and then she dipped her head understandingly. "I did what I could for your mother," Mistleaf murmured quietly, her tail drooping. "I even consulted StarClan! But they only told me to do my best."

Frostpaw didn't reply, her gaze dark with frustration. StarClan didn't even tell her how to heal my mother? Frostpaw wondered angrily, her tail lashing. I can't believe StarClan would do such thing...allowing my mother to die. Now, they'll probably do the same to my father.

Mistleaf rested her tail-tip on Frostpaw's shoulder and she flinched. "I've seen your mother in StarClan," she went on slowly. "She told me she misses you and Breezeflight. She wishes she could be with both of you, but it was her destiny."

Frostpaw blinked at her. "I guess," she muttered before turning her attention back to her father. "Are you sure there's nothing else you could do for him?"

"I'll ask the other medicine cats tomorrow at the Moonpool for advice," Mistleaf answered thoughtfully. "Most of them are more experienced then me and probably dealt with this before."

"Right," Frostpaw replied quietly then her she looked back at Mistleaf. "I trust you, Mistleaf to heal my father."

Mistleaf's eyes glinted with thankfulness. "I'll do my best," Mistleaf promised then nodded to Frostpaw. "You must be tired after going on that patrol, right? Go get some rest. I'll give you updates on your father."

Mistleaf was right, Frostpaw was tired. With a nod of respect at Mistleaf, Frostpaw padded out of the den. She wasn't going to take a nap yet, as Frostpaw still had battle training with Birdstripe. She headed towards the fresh-kill pile, but stopped as she saw no fresh-kill.

"We cleared the fresh-kill pile!"

Frostpaw turned her head to see Poppysong, Pineflame and Wasppaw appear from the camp entrance.

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