Chapter 17

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Emberfire pinned Woodshine tightly and glared at her. "How dare you betray ThunderClan!" He snarled angrily, showing his sharp teeth. "And you betrayed your kin! I'll kill you myself for killing Spotberry."

Woodshine's eyes narrowed in frustration. "She deserved to die!" Woodshine yowled loudly. "Spotberry was a wall in the way of my success. Don't you understand, Emberfire?"

Before Emberfire could reply, Strikefang pushed Emberfire off of Woodshine and he tumbled to the ground. "You think you can take on two of us without any help?" Strikefang demanded, letting out an amused purr. "You're more stupider then I thought, Emberfire."

"Emberfire!" Frostwind called to him pleadingly as he got to his paws, shaking out his ruffled fur. "Go! They'll kill you and get the others-" she broke off as Silkheart slashed her cheek with his claws and blood came pouring out. She let out a yelp of pain.

Emberfire didn't look at her and lifted his head. "I didn't come alone," Emberfire growled, putting a paw forward. "You're not getting away with killing anybody this time, Strikefang."

Suddenly cats surrounded them, letting out yowls of anger. Cottonstar stepped out of the crowd of cats and was closely followed by Poppysong.

"I thought you were better then this, Strikefang," Cottonstar breathed, eyeing him with disgust. "I can't believe I believed you. I exile you and every one of your cats. You're no longer Strikefang, but Strike."

Strike lowered his head, glaring at every ThunderClan cat. "I was never a ThunderClan cat," Strike sniffed, looking smug. "But being a fake ThunderClan cat has helped me gain an ally."

After a moment, ShadowClan scent filled Frostwind's nose. ShadowClan cats and Strike's cats padded out of the undergrowth. They pushed past the ThunderClan cats and surrounded Strike protectively.

Cottonstar gazed at them, unwavering. "ShadowClan was always mouse-brain," Cottonstar meowed coolly. "Though you outnumber us won't last for long."

Strike snorted. "WindClan and RiverClan won't help you," Strike replied wearily, guessing what Cottonstar was saying. "We have already talked to them and they agreed to either be in the battle on our side or just stay in camp."

"Are you sure?" Poppysong challenged then lifted her head and let out a loud yowl.

WindClan and RiverClan cats came racing out of their hiding spots and pounced on the ShadowClan cats and Strike's cats. Then the battle began.

Silkheart was tackled off of her and Beepelt was quickly overwhelmed by two WindClan cats. Frostwind and Smokepaw both got to their paws quickly.

"You ruined the mission," Smokepaw hissed to her, looking annoyed. "Maybe this battle would have never happened if-" He then let out a cry of pain as one of Strike's cats launched onto him. It was Harppaw aka Harp, her eyes glowing with delight.

Frostwind immediately raced at Harp and aimed for her flank with her claws. She dodged swiftly, but that helped Smokepaw get up and scratch her nose. Harp didn't care and started nipping at Smokepaw's tail playfully.

"Harppaw!" Smokepaw exclaimed, crouching down in an attack crouch. "I thought...we had a future together...maybe as mates."

Frostwind was briefly surprised. She always had known that Smokepaw and Harp had something special between them.

Harp's eyes glowed with amusement. "It was all pretend," Harp answered softly, her tail-tip twitching. "You really thought I loved you? I must admit, you're a cat I would like to be friends with."

Before Smokepaw could reply, Harp leaped onto him and pinned him down. Frostwind tried to race over to them to help, but was quickly stopped by a large ShadowClan tom. She recognized him from gatherings. It was Sootfoot.

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