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"Fuck you" I spat at Diamond while she chuckled at me causing me to frown.

"You think it's funny? It's not" I lowly spoke while she only looked at me before kissing my forehead making me wipe it off.

Don't be kissing me while I'm mad at you.

"You getting to comfortable saying that 'fuck you' shit, imma smack the fuck outta you next time" she threatened making me roll my eyes.

Just mean.

"Your so mean to me" I mumbled making her chuckle once again.

"That's my way of showing love baby girl...sometimes I can be toxic" she responded while I stared at her before rolling my eyes.

"And stop wiping my kisses off" she added pecking my lips.

Smirking I wiped it off causing her to suck her teeth.

"Stop it" she said before kissing my lips again.

Sighing I grazed my tongue over my bottom lip before I grabbed my phone, I was looking at some condos for me and Kacey.

Of course I wasn't leaving Diamond but it would be nice to have my own place just in case anything were to happen.

I wasn't just gonna be living off of anybody like I'm so leach.

"Who we texting" Diamond asked moving her head under my arms so now she was positioned. In front.

"Girl- move" I said with a laugh before she slightly frowned.

"Why you looking at these" she curiously asked.

"Because I want something of my own, I'll still stay here but if anything were to happen this would be the move" I explained while she stroked my hair.

"Oh...okay okay, I forgot you were real independent" she said pecking my lips.

Sighing in relief that she wasn't mad or tripping about it.

"I wanna do something for you" I mumbled against her lips before I lowly sighed.

She was honestly a huge help, and with me only knowing her for two months and 3 days she's been a huge impact.

𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐒 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐒 | 𝐆𝐗𝐆Where stories live. Discover now