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"I don't have time for yo shit today Kyrah" I calmly spoke before I placed my other shoe on my foot as I felt her eyes on me.

"I'm coming with you-

"Oh no you ain't" I said standing up before I walked over to the counter to grab my phone.

As soon as I reached to grab it she snatched it from the counter.

"You not gonna like what you see so you mind as well hand it over" I said nonchalantly while she tried unlocking it.

I placed all my weight over to my right leg while I crossed my arms waiting for her to be finish.

"What's the passcode" she asked.

"That ain't none of your business, now give me my shit" I said making her shake her head.

"I'll break this phone right now Diamond what's the pin" she raised her voice making me walk up to her and grab her arm.

"Stop fucking with me Kyrah" I said snatching the phone from her before I pushed her arm away, I felt her pull my arm back.

I'm finna backslap this bitch.

"Diamond do you not care about me- or even love me anymore" she asked on the verge of tears while I stared at her before looking off.


I know this bitch ain't just say love- after what she did to me...

"Do you Diamond" she asked making me look back at her before I sighed.

"Of course I luh you Kyrah, now can you give me my phone" I said the last part softly before I placed a kiss on her lips.

"You promise" she asked making me look her in the eye before I nodded.

She kissed my lips making me grab her by her neck and deepen this kiss before I felt her touch my breast making me smirk.

"Go upstairs and get naked for me baby" I said pecking her lips as she smiled.

She got up and once she got upstairs I quickly made my way to the front door and slammed it purposely before I unlocked my car door.

𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐒 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐒 | 𝐆𝐗𝐆Where stories live. Discover now