Chapter 1

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“Couldn’t you find any other excuse to cancel this?” asked Felix on the phone as he entered a café to get his morning coffee.

But unlike the rest of the days, he was a bit grumpy today as he had to make a public appearance on a TV show and he hated being in the spotlight. Felix had always been the reserved type and never reacted to anything as long as he wasn’t bothered. It had been nearly six years since he became popular after one of his poems caught the eye of a celebrity who praised it to the heavens. After that he has also written the lyrics of multiple songs by famous singers and now that he was recognized throughout the industry, it began to be a headache for him.

He never liked being in the spotlight and although his manager had somehow managed to put off most of the shows, this particular show was very persistent in his appearance on the occasion of valentine’s day.
According to them, Felix was the best candidate for the special show because all his previous poems and lyrics had been about love. But what they didn’t know was that the man himself has never experienced anything of that sort.

He had never fallen in love and neither had he been in any casual relationship for the last twenty-two years of his life. But no one really knew that except for him. Now finding himself stuck in a situation where he couldn’t back off anymore, he had no choice but to make an appearance on the show.

“You know how much I hate all these things.” Whined Felix

“I know that you hate all these, but it’s also important that you make a public appearance from time to time.” Said the man from the other side of the phone

“Chan Hyung, you are my manager. You should support me in these things.” Said Felix finding himself unable to say anything anymore

“I am doing this because I am your manager. You are a celebrity, Felix. People read your poems more than any other poet in this country. You can’t always hide from cameras. Now don’t say anything anymore and just drink your coffee and get back here.” Commanded chan who was Felix’s manager before hanging up the phone

“Ahhhhh.” Grumbled Felix

After he placed the phone in his pocket, Felix made his way to the counter, and fortunately for him, there was not much crowd even during the rush hours which meant that he could just very easily drink his coffee peacefully and leave without anyone noticing. But not everything always goes according to the plan.

His peaceful thoughts were suddenly disturbed when he felt a huge force colliding with him on the left arm. This inevitably evoked a reflex from him and his arm went up which resulted in him spilling the coffee on the floor and some droplets made their way to his clothes which coincidentally were white.

“What the hell are you doing?” yelled the man in front of him who had just collided with Felix.

The man was wearing all black with a mask on his face and a cap on his head. Apart from his eyes, nothing else was visible and it took some time for Felix to process what had just happened. But after he processed what had just taken place, he grew worried when he saw the hot coffee spilled on the man’s clothes.

“Are you hurt anywhere?” asked Felix with growing concern

“Don’t pretend to be a goody-two-shoes after you spilled coffee on my clothes.” Said the man in front of him but this rubbed Felix the wrong way and he didn’t feel the need to apologize anymore

“First of all, I apologized even when it is pretty evident that I am not the one at fault here. You walked into me when I was drinking my coffee standing in the same place and for god’s sake lower your voice. You are in a public setting.” Said Felix with a hint of sassiness in his voice

“Who do you think you are to lecture me as to how I should talk to anyone?” asked the man in a relatively lower voice than before

“Leave it. Although it’s not my fault I don’t want to waste my time, so give me your number and I will send you the money for dry cleaning. Let’s just get it done with.” Said Felix with a sigh

“I see. This was your plan from the beginning, wasn’t it? To spill coffee on me and then ask my number under the façade of paying me. Just go away, you are not getting what you wish for. I have seen many people like you.” said the man in a condescending voice before he stormed out of the café leaving a flabbergasted Felix behind who couldn’t understand what that man just said.

“He’s crazy.” Murmured Felix before proceeding to place another order for a coffee

“Where have you been and why are your clothes dirty? Did you get into a fight?” asked a concerned chan after seeing Felix who had just arrived on the shooting set

“No hyung, don’t worry. I was not involved in a fight. It’s just that some dumbass spilled my coffee and I had to get another one so I am late.” Assured Felix

“Oh. Okay then. By the way, you have to meet the director before the shooting starts. She would instruct you on what to say and do.” Said chan before grabbing Felix’s wrist and dragging him away to a place that was more crowded than earlier

“Good morning, Felix. I believe it’s the first time we are working together. I hope it all goes well.” Said the director when she saw chan and Felix approaching her

“Good morning ma’am. I also hope it all goes well.” Said Felix while forcing a big smile out of his face

“You are so polite and so handsome. I think it was a good idea to have you on our show on this special episode.”

“I will work hard, ma’am. Don’t worry, you won’t be disappointed.”

“By the way have you met your costars for today? If you haven’t then let me introduce everyone.”

“Unfortunately I haven’t had the chance to meet my co-stars for today.” Said Felix

“It’s alright. It will take just a few minutes.” Said the director before ushering Felix inside a room where everyone who was going to participate in the show was present.

“Listen everyone. This is Felix and I assume that everyone here knows who he is. He will be taking part in the show today, so I hope you make it memorable for him.” Announced the director

After the director said this, a thunder of claps was heard from everyone present in the room. Everyone in the room knew who Felix was and they were in the middle of welcoming him when suddenly the door opened to show a man who was very similar to the man Felix had encountered previously but this time there was no mask. Felix was taken aback by the similarity for a while but before he could say anything the director welcomed the man and brought him near Felix to introduce him.

“Felix, this is Hyunjin. You know who he is I presume and Hyunjin, this is Felix. He will be starring alongside you in today’s episode.” Said the director

“You followed me all the way here? Oh god.” Said hyunjin with a look of disgust

“Wha… What are you even saying?” asked a flabbergasted Felix

“Are you foolish or what? Don’t you remember the café incident this morning?” asked hyunjin

“It’s you?” Asked Felix after a few moments finally understanding what Hyunjin meant by the earlier statement.

Felix now knew that it was not that Hyunjin was similar to the man he had encountered, it was Hyunjin himself who he had seen in the café.

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