Chapter 5

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“Th… Thank you so much and sorry once again.” said hyunjin while taking the other strap of the mask into his own hand so that Felix wouldn’t have to bend over to place it over his ears.

“What for?” asked Felix a bit taken aback by the sudden expression of gratitude

“For trusting what I said and forgiving me. For not saying anything about what I sent to chan hyung and also for taking care of me here. I am really sorry to have acted like a prick the first time we met each other.” Said Hyunjin who was visibly sad due to his lack of consideration in their previous encounter

“You don’t have to be sorry or thankful for that Hyunjin. I understand that you thought of me as a crazy fan and did all those things and I also understand that you felt jealous. I don’t blame you for that anymore, so don’t beat yourself over it. And this mask is for you but it is also for me, I don’t want to be included in the stampede that might happen if you are recognized.” Said Felix with a chuckle

“I guess you are right.” Said Hyunjin flashing the same smile as before

“Let’s go, shall we?”

“Yes, let’s go.”

After they finished talking and got out of the car, Hyunjin and Felix both walked inside the theme park that was made to mimic the winter wonderland rivaled only by people such as willy Wonka. But in all honesty, the place was gorgeous and therefore a lot more popular than any other park in the city. There were multiple attractions for people to enjoy and Felix thought that Hyunjin wanted to ride something or just roam around, but what he didn’t expect was that Hyunjin had other intentions for coming here. Hyunjin wanted to ice-skate.

“Wha… What did you just say?” asked Felix as he couldn’t believe what Hyunjin had in his mind

“I said that I want to ice skate.” Said Hyunjin confidently

“Bu... But I don’t know how to ice-skate?” stuttered Felix

“It’s okay. It won’t take long for me to teach you and I will be there.” Said Hyunjin trying to reassure Felix

“What if I fall?”

“You won’t fall down. I will be beside you so don’t worry too much and just come with me.” said Hyunjin while tugging on Felix’s arms to make him come to the skating rink

And apparently, Hyunjin’s pleas worked with Felix who without saying anything else just followed Hyunjin into the arena where other people were also skating but fortunately for them, as it was a weekday, there were not many people in the rink. They both got into the rink and sat down on the benches to tie their skating shoes that they had rented. Hyunjin was done fast with his shoelaces as he frequently visited the rink to skate, but Felix took quite some time as he had never done them before but after some time he was done tying his shoes, according to him at least.

“What were you doing for so long in those benches? I thought you got glued down or something.” Said Hyunjin while laughing

“Shut up. I was tying my shoes.” Said Felix with a huff

“And even after taking so long, you tied it like this.” Questioned Hyunjin after looking down at Felix’s shoes

“Yes, is anything wrong with them?” asked Felix not understanding what Hyunjin meant by his question

“Oh, God. Come here.” Said Hyunjin while he made Felix sit down on one of the benches

After Felix sat down, Hyunjin then got down on his knees in front of them to properly tie Felix’s shoelaces which according to him were dangerously loose for an ice rink. Although Felix had not expected Hyunjin to tie his shoelaces himself, he was glad that now Hyunjin was different than how he used to act before in his presence. After some time Hyunjin was done properly tying the shoelaces and he got back on his feet before dusting his pants.

“Next time whenever you come here or do ice skating, remember to tie your shoelaces properly as I did. Most of the time people fall down because their shoelaces were not tight enough and their shoes slipped off when they were skating.” Said Hyunjin who now sounded like a high school teacher

“Are you done or should we continue your lecture here, Hyunjin sir?” asked Felix sarcastically

“Very funny, Felix. Very funny.” Said Hyunjin

“It’s okay. I know how to tie my shoelaces after you taught me so stop treating me like a seven-year-old and let’s just go on the ice.”

“You are really impatient for a guy who didn’t want to ice skate because he was afraid that he would fall down and hurt his pretty face.” Said Hyunjin in a mocking voice

“Oh shut up for god’s sake. Not everyone knows to skate like you.” said Felix before he jumped into the rink without any warning and tried to skate with his newfound confidence but unfortunately for him, that confidence didn’t last long and soon he was finding it hard to balance himself. Hyunjin saw Felix struggling with keeping balance and rushed to his side to help him and prevent any accidents from happening due to his negligence.

“Why didn’t you wait for me? It’s not like you know how to skate.” Said Hyunjin

“I thought I will be fine but what I didn’t expect was this to be so hard. I am having a hard time even standing properly in these shoes, let alone skate.” Said Felix sheepishly

“Just stay beside me and you will be fine. I don’t want you to get hurt or else I won’t be able to face chan hyung.”

“Fine fine, I will be with you.” said Felix

But as soon as Felix finished his sentence, he noticed a group of people pointing in their direction and talking about something which he couldn’t hear as they were in a distance. Felix thought that the group had somehow recognized either him or hyunjin and were going to come near them but before he could say anything to hyunjin, the hoard of people had already started walking in their direction.

All sorts of alarms went off in Felix’s head as he tried to grab Hyunjin and make a run for his car but fortunately for him, the group walked past them both without saying anything. It seemed that the group was deciding on whether they wanted to go on a ride or not and Felix had acted too paranoid.

“I saw what you were trying to do.” Said Hyunjin while tilting his head

“Sorry, I thought they recognized you.”

“You don’t have to apologize. I would have probably done the same thing if I saw them.”

“Now after all this, let’s get back to skating, finally.” Said Felix while laughing at their situation but as soon as he tried to move, he lost balance and was about to fall down but Hyunjin instantly got a hold of him and helped him regain his balance.

“I don’t think this is going to work out.” Said Hyunjin while eyeing Felix up and down

“Then what should we do? Do we just leave?” asked Felix feeling apologetic to Hyunjin

“Take my hand.”

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