Chapter 6

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“Take my hand.”

“Wha... What are you saying?” asked a flustered Felix

“Why are you so flustered? It’s not like I asked you to marry me.” said Hyunjin while laughing

“Ahhhh… No, it’s not that. It was just a bit sudden so I didn’t know what to say.” Said Felix sheepishly

“You seem cute when you are all flustered.” Said Hyunjin without paying attention to what he was saying but Felix did. It had been a long time since he had this feeling but now that he did, he was not sure what to do about it. So he did the only thing he knew at the time. He ignored it.

After an hour of skating, Felix and Hyunjin got off the rink and sat down on the bench. Although they both were tired, they both had an equivalent amount of fun at the rink. At first, Felix was not able to even stand on the ice but only after an hour, he was now able to skate slowly on the ice which supported the fact that he was a fast learner. As Felix was drinking water silently, Hyunjin slowly turned sideways to face him and his face had a questionable look again which Felix couldn’t interpret the meaning of.

“Do you want to say something?” asked Felix

“Do you believe in love?” asked hyunjin

“Wha… What?” said Felix as he spat out the water at this unexpected question

“Why do you ask?” asked Felix after he calmed down

“Just answer me.” demanded Hyunjin

“I think I do. Although I have never experienced love or anything of that sort, I hope that love is real because if it is not then all the things that I have written so far would be meaningless.” Answered Felix

“Was that poem you recited during the valentine’s day show, your creation?”

“No, that is not my poem but I do like that. I read that a long time ago but I still remember the lines as if it was yesterday. That much of an impact it had on me.” said Felix with a small smile

“Why do you like it so much?”

“Because that is the poem that made me fall in love with writing. Believe me or not, I didn’t use to study at all but somehow I ended up in the library once and read that coincidentally. At that moment, I knew what I wanted to be.” Said Felix who was feeling nostalgic

“Then have you never been in a relationship?”

“You are really curious, aren’t you? Well to answer your question, no. I have never been in a relationship.” Said Felix

“Then have--”

“You have asked me enough questions for today, so I think I also deserve to ask you.” said Felix with a smug look

“Fine fine, you can ask whatever you want.” Said Hyunjin while waving his hands in the air

But just as Felix was about to ask his question, they both heard the screams of some people from a distance and it didn’t take them long to notice that the ocean of people was heading towards them. It was pretty evident that they were trying to get Hyunjin’s attention but what was surprising was that this time, some people were also screaming Felix’s name.

Unknown to Felix and hyunjin, the group of people who had passed by them before they began skating had uploaded a picture on the internet where they were both in the background and although Hyunjin was wearing a mask, the eagle-eyed fans were able to decipher who it is pretty soon.

“Damn it. This is starting again.” said Hyunjin in frustration

“I guess, we have to do what we did previously.” Said Felix while looking at the crowd approaching them

“Let’s run.” Said Hyunjin before he grabbed Felix’s wrist and they both ran in the opposite direction of the crowd. But this time, it was not easy to dodge them. But after some time of constant running, Felix and Hyunjin were able to escape to the parking lot through the fire exit.

“How can they even know that it’s me when they can’t even see me?” asked Hyunjin as he entered the car and sat down trying to catch his breath

“Let’s just forget it and leave this place, I feel like they are gonna be raiding this place soon.” Said Felix who was panting hard after all this exercise

“Hey, are you okay?” asked Hyunjin who noticed that Felix was having a hard time due to all this

“Do I look like I am okay? I don’t exercise, Hyunjin. I am not as fit as you.” said Felix while laughing but to Hyunjin it seemed like it was all his fault that Felix had to endure such things

“Hey, why did you go silent?” asked Felix after he didn’t hear hyunjin say anything else

“I’m sorry that you have to go through all this trouble due to me.” said Hyunjin

“Don’t blame yourself. I know how hard it is for you and I am just trying to help of my own volition. Moreover, what kind of person doesn’t help his friend in such a situation?”

“A friend?” asked Hyunjin in bewilderment at the sudden title

“Yes. Why? You don’t want to be friends?” asked Felix

“Ahhh… No, No. I was just flustered. Being Friends is good.” said Hyunjin who was smiling from ears to ears due to this.

After they both left the parking lot, they went to have lunch at the same place as before but the thing that was different this time was that they both were on good terms. There was no hostility between them and all the previous misunderstandings had been cleared. After they both completed their lunch which was much later than usual, Felix began to drive Hyunjin back home after Hyunjin entered the address in the GPS. They both were silent throughout the whole ride but the silence was not daunting and neither it was awkward. It was a peaceful silence that was occasionally broken by the passing cars.

After some time, Felix stopped his car in front of a mansion in the inner part of the city. It was evident that Hyunjin came from a rich family. There were guards in front of the door along with two cars parked beside the wall.

Felix turned off his car and waited for hyunjin to open the door to get off but after some time when Hyunjin didn’t make any move, Felix looked in his direction only to see Hyunjin completely still without any hint of emotions on his face. Although this scared Felix a little, he didn’t know what else to do so he just shook Hyunjin a little by his shoulders which seemed to bring Hyunjin’s thoughts back into reality. But the expression still remained.

“Isn’t this your house? Why aren't you getting off?” asked a curious Felix

“Can I request another favor from you?” asked Hyunjin

“Sure, go ahead.”

“Then please help me--” continued Hyunjin

“I don’t want to go home tonight.”

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