Chapter 7

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“I don’t want to go home.” Said Hyunjin with an expression that Felix couldn’t quite understand the meaning of but it was evident that Hyunjin was being serious right now.

And therefore Felix started driving away from Hyunjin’s house without saying anything to him. The whole ride was completely silent. Felix was a bit flustered after he heard what Hyunjin requested him to do but he was able to see the desperation in Hyunjin’s eyes and therefore didn’t ask him to elaborate any further. As the peace of the night engulfed the hard feelings in Hyunjin, he finally came back to reality.

“Where are we going, Felix?” asked hyunjin meekly

“To my favorite place.” Said Felix while keeping his eyes on the road

Surprisingly hyunjin didn’t say anything after that and just turned his head to look out of the windows. With the white streetlights passing beside him, hyunjin let go of his worries one by one. He felt assured that someone was there who was willing to go to such lengths even if it made them uncomfortable. But as he relaxed a bit, sleep dawned upon him and before he could understand anything, he was asleep soundly.

The last thing he saw before he closed his eyes was the city lights in the distance and a freckled boy driving him around silently who he didn’t even know properly before today. Fortunately for him, it wasn’t long before he was awake again, but this time he didn’t feel the car moving. Hyunjin turned around to look at Felix and saw him texting someone on his phone silently.

“Hey, where are we?” asked Hyunjin while rubbing his eyes

“Oh, you are awake?” asked Felix before keeping his phone away in his pocket

“Yes, I woke up just now. By the way how long was I asleep?”

“Not that long, just more than an hour.” Answered Felix

“Oh. I am so sorry. I fell asleep as I was a bit tired. Why didn’t you wake me up?” asked hyunjin sheepishly

“You were sleeping soundly after sounding that much distressed in front of your home. So, I thought it would be good to let you sleep a while before waking you up.” Answered Felix

“I am so sorry you had to go through this.”

“Don’t be sorry, it’s okay. Should we get out now?” asked Felix

“Yeah, but I still don’t know where we are.”

“Just trust me.” said Felix before getting out of the car

After they both came out of the car, Hyunjin saw that they were in a place that looked like a park. It was desolate and it was evident that not many people came here seeing the way it was maintained. He was not quite sure why he was here but he decided to trust Felix and follow him for now.

They both then went inside the park and although it wasn’t well kept, the environment of the place was simply beautiful. It felt peaceful to be there.
Hyunjin was enjoying the moment while he followed Felix into another part of the park where a small lake was present. There were not many lights in the park and the place was solely lit up by the city lights coming from the distance, making the place look almost magical. Felix then sat down on a bench beside the lake and hyunjin followed suit.

“This is my favorite place. I always come here when I have something on my mind and it always helps.” Said Felix while looking into the glistening water of the lake

“It is really beautiful. I feel peaceful here. As expected of a poet to know a place like this.” Said Hyunjin before the whole place again felt silent

“Why didn’t you ask me?” asked Hyunjin after some minutes of bathing in the tranquility of the place

“What? What do you mean?” asked Felix while turning his head to look at Hyunjin

“Why didn’t you ask me why I didn’t want to go into my house?”

“Because if you wanted to tell me anything, you would do it yourself. There is no use in prying over your life.”

“Thank you for listening to my unreasonable request even though you could’ve very easily asked me to get off.” Said Hyunjin who was still not looking towards Felix. It was as if he didn’t want Felix to see his face.

“So, will you tell me why you didn’t want to go? It’s okay if you don’t want to.” Reassured Felix

“I didn’t want to go because my parents came back home today.” Confessed Hyunjin

“What do you mean?” asked Felix

“I didn’t want to see my parents and therefore I didn’t want to go back home. They usually don’t talk with me or care for me but sometimes they would just randomly come to see me.” said Hyunjin

“Why is it like that?” asked Felix

“Because they don’t want to see me. I know it’s pathetic. You can laugh if you want.” Said Hyunjin with a chuckle but it was evident that he was in pain while saying all this.

“I don’t want to laugh and I don’t think it’s pathetic at all. I am not saying this to patronize you or anything but I really wish you stop thinking like this.”

“Thank you for being this sweet.” That was all Hyunjin said

“Will you tell me why your parents are like this?” Asked Felix

“My parents got divorced when I was in middle school and ever since then it has always been like this. I stayed with my mother for a while then with my father and it continued like this for a few years before I left for college.”

“I am sorry you had to go through that. I shouldn’t have asked.” Said Felix with guilt covering his mind

“It’s okay, I can talk about it. Today when I saw their cars parked in front of the house, I knew that it was one of those days where they just come together for my sake and have a chat with me. They love to pretend as if nothing happened at all.” Said Hyunjin with a sigh

“Are you okay talking about all this with me? I mean, you don’t even know what kind of a person I am.”

“I am okay talking about this with you and even though it’s the first time we are talking properly it doesn’t feel awkward with you at all. So I am not worried about this.”

“Do you want to say anything else? If yes, then let it all out. I will listen to you.” said Felix

“Throughout my childhood, I saw my parents fight every day. I don’t know when it started but for as long as I can remember the only memory I have is of them fighting like cats and dogs. They would fight over the smallest of things and that took a huge toll on me. And finally, in middle school, they divorced after hating each other for the last twelve years. I honestly don’t know how they tolerated each other for that long.” Said Hyunjin

“I am sorry you had to go through all that at such a young age. Honestly, I don’t know what to say right now.” Confessed Felix

“What I went through made me realize one thing.”

“Oh, what is it?” asked a curious felix

“I learned that--- love doesn’t exist.”

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