Chapter 10

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As Hyunjin watched in shock over the events that had unfolded in front of him, Felix picked up the guy by his collar to make him stand up. He had a busted lip and a slight swelling on his left cheek. Hyunjin was not able to move for a moment as he was so surprised by the scene but fortunately, he could pull back Felix before he landed another hit. There were four people against the two of them and anyone could see that Hyunjin and Felix would lose if it came down to a fight.

But Felix still dove in to punch the guy who had said absurd things about Hyunjin and although Hyunjin was conflicted, he was certainly happy that someone had decided to stand up for him even when he was not able to do anything. It was reassuring to have someone stand on his side.

"What the hell was that?" yelled the man as he placed his hand over his cheeks to reduce the pain but it seemed like it didn't work

"You are asking me what that was? The audacity you have to ask this after saying all those things is truly something." Spat Felix

"What is it to you whatever I say about that scumbag? Who do you think you are?" asked the man

"Just another word from that mouth of yours and you won't be able to walk anymore, so shut your trap." Threatened Felix but before he could do anything else, he felt a sudden jolt of pain in his face. Another guy from the group had punched him when Felix wasn't paying attention to him.

"This is it." Yelled Felix as he struggled to come out of Hyunjin's grasp but before he could do so, Hyunjin spun him around to pacify him a little and came between Felix and the group of men.

"Both of you, stop. Right now." Commanded Hyunjin

"Hahh, we can easily beat you two and now that we have the upper hand, you are trying to stop the fight? How pathetic." Said the man who was punched by Felix in a mocking voice

"I am just trying to stop the situation from escalating, that's it." Said Hyunjin in a monotonous voice

"Now who are you?"

"Oh sorry, I forgot that you can't recognize me like this." Said Hyunjin before taking off the mask he was wearing to conceal his face.

As his face came into full view, the look of shock on everybody's face was a sight to be seen. It was evident that they hadn't expected Hyunjin to be present here.

"Now that you know who I am, should we continue our conversation? First of all, you were saying some very absurd things about me that provoked this gentleman over here to react like that and although it was justified, it was still not right for him to act like this so we apologize."

"Hah, he is a pushover it seems." Whispered a guy to one of his friends but before he could get any sort of reply or reaction, Hyunjin spoke up again

"Now, even though we apologize, it is evident that this incident is your fault. I suggest that you refrain from taking the legal route for the assault as it would be in your interest. But if you decide to complain in the police station, then you are free to do it. But keep in mind that the moment you complain about this, I will file lawsuits against all of you for defamation and you must know that I never let go of anyone until I am fully satisfied. Now, it's up to you." said Hyunjin in a very graceful manner. Even though he had just threatened the guys, he acted as if nothing had happened. Felix was in awe over this side of Hyunjin.

"Ar... Are you threatening u-us right now?" stuttered the man who had punched Felix

"Oh, I don't think that was a threat. A threat would be, I will kill you if you do anything but what I said was just a friendly reminder that your actions would have repercussions." Said Hyunjin while laughing and tilting his head

"We a-are not afraid of you but we will s-stop here." Said the man before they all walked away from the place. It was evident that Hyunjin's tactic had worked on them and that they were scared.

"Now that they are gone, what should we do about you?" asked Hyunjin after he diverted his attention back to Felix

"What do you mean by that?" asked Felix

But this time he didn't get any reply from Hyunjin. Hyunjin just decided to grab Felix's wrist and drag him back inside the car. But this time, hyunjin was the one who was driving and Felix sat in the passenger's seat. Throughout their whole ride, Felix tried to talk to Hyunjin multiple times but it was all in vain. Hyunjin didn't reply to anything that Felix said.

After a while, Hyunjin stopped suddenly in front of a pharmacy and went inside the store to buy something and it didn't take him long before he was back in the car with a bag in his hand.

As Felix kept on watching his movements, Hyunjin just brought out a cotton swab and some ointment tube and without any warning, he just looked into Felix's eyes and placed the cotton swab on the corner of Felix's lips. This brought out a frown on Felix's face as the ointment kept on stinging him.

"Hey hey, can you be a bit gentle? It hurts." Said Felix

"Couldn't you think about the pain before you punched that guy?" asked Hyunjin in a mocking voice

"Hey, why are you pissed at me? you should be angry over those guys, not me." complained Felix

"I am not angry at you Felix. I am just worried. What if something had happened back there? What if all those would have attacked you? Did you think how I would feel if something bad had happened to you due to me?" asked Hyunjin while looking into Felix's eyes

"I'm sorry. But I couldn't just stand there and listen to them say all those absurd things. They don't even know you, yet they were talking as if they know you very well. It pissed me off."

"It also pissed me, Felix. But I know that doing anything to them will just increase my trouble. If this came out on news then people will say that I bullied someone just because they had an unfavorable opinion of me. People won't understand anything else at all." Said Hyunjin in a calm voice

"I... I didn't think about that at all. I'm sorry." Said Felix as he felt guilty about bringing more trouble for hyunjin

"It's okay. I don't think they would dare to do anything after I said that. So don't worry. Should we head home now?" Reassured hyunjin

"Yes, let's go." Said Felix but before Hyunjin could start driving, Felix shrieked at the top of his voice after seeing the mirror. Surprised to no extent, Hyunjin asked Felix about the shriek but nothing could have prepared him for the reply he was going to get.

"I look damn ugly like this. I can't go back to my house. Tomorrow chan hyung will show up and ask about the bruised cheek and the busted lip. What should I do, Hyunjin?" asked Felix

"Are you sure you don't want to go back to your house?" asked hyunjin

"I don't want to see chan hyung like this. I will be chewed out completely if he heard what I did."

As Felix kept on complaining, he didn't actually expect any kind of solution from hyunjin but this time, nothing could've prepared him for what he was going to hear next.

"Come to my house."

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