Chapter 17

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“Hyunjin was kidnapped, Felix.” said chan

“Wh… what? Hyung, don’t joke around like that. As if I would fall for this.” Said Felix while chuckling nervously

“I am not trying to fool you. It is the truth.” Said chan as sternly as possible but before he could say another word, Felix fell on his knees as if his legs didn’t have any power in them.

The anxiety that he had been having since this morning about something bad happening had already taken place and there was nothing that he could do to protect Hyunjin.

“Felix, are you okay? Get up.” Said chan as he rushed to Felix's side and made him sit down on the couch.

He could see no expression on Felix's face and that made him more worried as he hadn’t seen Felix this disturbed even once. But he also knew that time was of importance now and therefore he tried to calm down Felix but before he could do anything, Felix again interrupted him to ask him a question.

“Are you sure that he was kidnapped?” asked Felix as stoically as possible

“Yes, I am sure. I was informed by changbin.”

“How was he kidnapped?”

“This morning after he completed his work at the office, he went out of the building with changbin to come back to his house. But someone called changbin at that time, so he had to leave hyunjin outside for some time. But when he came back Hyunjin was nowhere to be found and his phone is also switched off. After they checked the CCTV cameras, it shows him getting inside a black van but the thing is the number of that van is fake. There is no vehicle with that number in Seoul.” Explained chan as calmly as possible

“Have you contacted the police?” asked Felix who was now on the verge of tears. His stoic face was long gone and the only thing visible on his face now was tears. Anyone could tell that he was the most disturbed due to this and it didn’t help that there was still no clue to find Hyunjin.

“Yes, they contacted the police but it seems like they are giving trouble locating hyunjin.”

“Then Hyung, let me also search for him. I can’t just sit down and wait for hyunjin to turn up. I can’t do that.” Said Felix almost in a pleading voice

“Fine, you can search for him as I don’t have any intention of stopping you from doing anything this time.” Said chan before he left the room

As Felix started thinking about all the ways that he can help, he found one answer every time. And therefore without taking much time he called the person he didn’t want to know about this and worry unnecessarily. Felix called his sister and fortunately for him, she didn’t take long to pick up the phone.

“Hey, what happened?” asked Olivia who was Felix's older sister and also the person who cared the most about Felix.

“Noona, I need your help right now.” Said Felix with a trembling voice as his sister’s voice made him unable to control his emotions

“What happened, Felix? Are you okay?” asked Olivia worriedly as she couldn’t understand why her brother was acting like that.

It was the first time that he had asked for her help even though they were really close with each other. And hearing that her brother was on the verge of crying made her realize that it was some serious problem for Felix

“I am not okay. I need your help noona.” Said Felix as he finally broke down due to all the things that were happening at the moment

“Hey hey, calm down. I will help you and you know that. So tell me calmly and clearly what exactly happened.” Said Olivia as he struggled to reassure her brother

“My friend was kidnapped, noona. He is kidnapped. I don’t know what to do and I can’t even do anything by myself.” Said Felix while crying violently

“Who is that friend? Tell me everything and I will make sure to find him so don’t worry. You trust me right? Then tell me.” said Olivia

“His name is Hyunjin. He was in a scandal with me today morning and he was kidnapped outside of his office in broad daylight. Police have also been informed but they don’t have any clues till now.” Said Felix as he finally tried to calm down a bit

“Okay, Felix. don’t worry, I will find him. Did you forget the company we own? It’s not that weak to not even find a measly third-class kidnapper. Don’t worry I will reach out to you soon.” Said Olivia before hanging up the phone.

Felix knew that his sister was very capable and that she would keep her word about finding Hyunjin but he couldn’t help but worry about the situation and the condition of Hyunjin at the moment. But fortunately for him, it didn’t take more than an hour before his sister called him back.

“Hey, it didn’t take much to find this guy. I don’t know why the police still can’t find anything. That aside, I have sent the location where the kidnaper is right now to your phone and I have also notified the forces of the company. They would be soon at the location so don’t do anything rash and wait for them.” Said Olivia but before she could say anything else, Felix cut off the phone and went out of the house and started driving towards the location that was shown on the map.

It wasn’t that much of a distance and Felix was soon able to reach the location by himself. It was a small shipping container home under a bridge that was not frequently used by the people. The shed was so well hidden that if no one went under the bridge, it wouldn’t be visible to anyone over the bridge.

As Felix surveyed the surroundings of the shed, he couldn’t find anyone else other than him and so he decided to act on his own. He knew that it was impulsive and reckless of him to act like that but he didn’t care about anything else other than saving hyunjin at the moment. But he made sure that he sent the address to every one of hyunjin’s friends that he knew of so that if anything went south, they all could find Hyunjin nonetheless.

After Felix made sure that there was no one near the shed, he grabbed a steel bar lying on the ground as he made his way to the door but before he could enter the room, he stopped in his tracks as he heard a man saying something. It didn’t take him long to realize that the person he was listening to was the kidnapper who had kidnapped hyunjin.

“Do you know how much I love you? I have waited for this moment for so long and now that you are here, I won’t let you go anywhere else ever again.” stuttered the man as he laughed maniacally.

For Felix, it all seemed like a cliché in a second-rate book but the situation in front of him was the truth and there was no running away from it.

“Why did you kidnap me?” asked Hyunjin as calmly as possible to not provoke the guy more than he already was.

“Why? Because I like you. I thought that I won’t ever have a chance with you because you don’t like guys but now that the news is spread, I can’t let you go to any guy other than me. And you don’t have to worry about that Felix guy or anything. I will take care of him. By the way, wait for me here, I have something to do so I will be back soon. Be a good boy and wait for me.” said the crazy man while chuckling.

After Felix heard all the things that the man had said, he was seething in rage. But he still maintained his calm as he didn’t want to put Hyunjin in any harm. Fortunately for Felix, the moment he had been waiting for arrived sooner than expected as he heard the man closing the door behind him and turning on the car engine to go somewhere else.

Finding this moment opportune, Felix struck down the flimsy lock on the shed door and entered the room to find hyunjin tied down on a chair at the far corner of the room. The look of shock and joy was pretty evident on the face of Hyunjin as he saw Felix standing near the door. As hyunjin finally let go of the feelings he had been holding inside, he broke down at the sight of Felix. After Felix made his way to where hyunjin was tied down, the first thing that he did was grab hyunjin and embrace him as hard as he could. There were only a few words that were spoken but those words held the very essence of warmth that both of them had been looking for.

“I am here, hyunjin. It will be okay.”

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