Chapter 4

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“Fine, then come with me.” said Felix as he grabbed Hyunjin’s wrist and walked towards the backdoor of the café. After they both made their way out of the café without gaining people’s attention, Felix let go of Hyunjin’s hand to bring his car that he had parked in the front of the building but before he left, he handed over the scarf that he was wearing to Hyunjin for him to cover his face and not arouse suspicion.

After a while, Felix drove back to where hyunjin was standing to pick him up, and fortunately for both of them, no one else had noticed hyunjin. But their luck seemed to run out when the hoard of people came out of the café and immediately recognized Hyunjin even though his face was covered. Seeing the group approaching him, Hyunjin hurriedly opened the door and sat down in the passenger’s seat while Felix pushed down on the accelerator and made a run before the group could reach them.

“That was intense.” Said hyunjin who was feeling a bit lightheaded from all the running and adrenaline rush

“It certainly was.” Replied Felix half-heartedly which seemed to divert Hyunjin’s attention back to him

“Now tell me, where I should drop you off?” asked Felix nonchalantly

“Are you uncomfortable with me around?” asked Hyunjin who had finally collected his train of thoughts and he was sure that this would be the best opportunity to apologize to Felix and maybe also the last opportunity to ever arise.

“I don’t think I need to answer that question. Moreover, you are more uncomfortable around me. So we should part ways now that you are out of that situation.” Said Felix without a hint of emotion in his voice

“Maybe… Maybe you’re right, but…” stuttered hyunjin

“But what?”

“I… I am sorry.” Croaked hyunjin after taking a deep breath to calm his nerves

“Sorry for what exactly?” asked Felix coldly

“I am sorry for everything I said and did to you that day and I am also sorry for texting that to chan hyung. I didn’t mean to sound that privileged but it somehow came out like that and I know that no matter how much I say anything all those are just excuses, so the only thing that I can say is, I am sorry.” Rambled hyunjin

“Can you tell me why you acted that hostile when you met me that day for the first time?” asked Felix who was a bit interested now in what hyunjin might have to say

“In the café, I thought you were just another obsessed fan who tried to get close to me or touch me by using crazy methods. Honestly speaking, I am sick of all those. So I was wary of you. And then later when I saw you with chan hyung, I was angry a bit so I acted without even thinking anything.” Said Hyunjin who had his head down in shame

“Why were you angry at me even after I cleared our misunderstanding back in the set?” asked a curious Felix

“I was not really angry but much more jealous, honestly. A long time back I had asked chan hyung to be my manager but he declined as he was already working with you and it pissed me off that he chose you over me. I know that it’s childish but I am a bit possessive over my friends.” Said Hyunjin while scratching the back of his head

“Why were you jealous of me? Oh, wait… Do you like Chan Hyung?” asked Felix who was thoroughly amused by these completely unexpected answers

“What? No… Definitely not. I don’t like chan hyung in that way. It was just that chan hyung chose you over me and that ticked me off. I am sorry.”

“Fine, I believe you and I accept your apology. But just a piece of advice, don’t act so hostile towards everyone you meet. Not everyone has a malicious intent behind approaching you.” said Felix with a light smile

“Maybe for you they don’t. But all the people in my life have turned out that way.” Murmured hyunjin in a low voice

“What? Did you say something?”

“Ahhh… It’s nothing. By the way, you do realize that we have been going around in circles, don’t you?” asked Hyunjin in a try to divert Felix's attention

“I am the one who is driving Hyunjin, obviously I know that we are going around in circles, but I can’t do anything regarding them unless you tell me where you want to go.” Said Felix with a sigh

“Ohhh, my bad. Sorry.” Said Hyunjin while giving a smile for the first time to Felix

“So, where do you want to go?” asked Felix

“Are you busy today?” asked Hyunjin instead of answering Felix’s question

“No, I don’t think I have anything scheduled for today. Why do you want to know?” asked Felix

“Then can we just roam around a bit and then you can drop me off later. Does that work with you, Felix?” asked hyunjin with a small pout on his face and it took Felix off guard. Never in his wildest dreams had he expected Hyunjin to act cute in front of him.

“What? I mean, sure. If you want to, then we can.” Said Felix who had no idea of what he was saying at the moment

“That’s great. Then can we go to Ice wonderland?” asked Hyunjin

“Do you really want to go to such a crowded place even after seeing the situation back at the café?” asked Felix in disbelief

“It will be okay, Felix. And I really want to ice skate today. That is the reason why I came out of the house alone. And even if we get into that kind of situation once again, we can just run away, yet again.” said Hyunjin while laughing

“Well you are crazy but today I am also in the mood to do something crazy.” Said Felix while he laughed and sped up the car to reach Ice wonderland faster.

After some time, they both reached the venue and were about to get out of the car but Felix remembered something and asked Hyunjin to wait for him in the car for a minute while he got out of the car and went to a nearby convenience store. Although Hyunjin was puzzled by what Felix was doing, he didn’t question him and just sat silently in the car. Fortunately for hyunjin, it didn’t take long before Felix came out of the store and got into the car but this time he had a bag in his hand in which he was carrying something.

“What did you buy?” asked Hyunjin

“I brought this.” Said Felix as he took out a packet from the bag and opened it to reveal a black face mask that he had brought for hyunjin.

“Is that for me?” asked Hyunjin who hadn’t expected Felix to be so thoughtful about him even after he did all those things to Felix

“Of course, it is for you. I accept that I am a celebrity but you are certainly more well known than I am.” Said Felix as he threw the bag he was holding in the backseat and placed the straps of the mask he was holding over Hyunjin’s left ear

“Th… Thank you so much and sorry once again.”

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